Posts Tagged ‘legal analysis’

  • 27 August 2012

    US Judge Provides Detailed Guide to Electronic Searches

    A federal judge in United States has provided a detailed examination of proper electronic search techniques in the freedom of information context. The lengthy decision by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin came in the context of a request for agency records regarding immigration. She criticized the federal agencies involved for their search efforts, and provides an […]

  • 25 March 2011

    Banisar Study Explores Interplay of RTI, Privacy laws

    There is no simple solution to balancing the sometimes competing rights of access to information and protection of privacy, “but most issues can be mitigated through the enactment of clear definitions in legislation, guidelines, techniques, and oversight systems,” according to a report by David Banisar, Senior Legal Counsel for Article 19, the London-based freedom of […]

  • 31 October 2008

    Constitutional Norms Often Not Reflected in Official Practice or Citizen Attitudes

    First-ever Nationwide Study Asks, “Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?” St. Petersburg, Russian Federation — The leading access-to-information organization in Russia has published a detailed legal and sociological analysis of the state of access in the Russian Federation, identifying contradictions between the Constitutional right in Article 29 (for every person to “seek, get, transfer, produce and disseminate […]

  • 1 October 2003

    IMF Decides Against Mandatory Disclosure of Article IV Reports

    The International Monetary Fund executive board has decided not to require the disclosure of a key document, the Article IV staff report. The board opted instead to say that publication of the Article IV reports is "voluntary by presumed." This new formulation very slightly ratchets up the existing policy of voluntary disclosure while still permitting […]