Posts Tagged ‘anticorruption’

  • 6 March 2015

    DFID Says Transparency, ATI Medium Corruption Solutions

    A 110-page British government report evaluating the causes of corruption, and possible solutions, rates access to information as having “medium” value in fighting corruption, linked to one of two “large” impact factors — social accountability mechanisms. The summary section states: “Transparency and ATI emerge as important for the exercise of other rights, improving service delivery […]

  • 27 August 2013

    Groups Urge UNCAC Parties to Promote Access Regimes

    A number of nongovernmental organizations Aug. 23 urged parties to the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) to promote adoption of access to information laws and increase the availability of information on beneficial ownership of private companies. A letter sent to members of the UNCAC Working Group on Prevention was signed by Access Info Europe and […]

  • 7 June 2013

    Group Urges UNCAC to Prioritize FOI Laws

    Access Info Europe May 29 said the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) needs to make access to information a higher priority. “The right of access to information is a key tool for the prevention of corruption, yet there is no mention of it in the work plan of the UNCAC’s Working Group on Corruption […]

  • 20 July 2012

    Access Sought to World Bank Reports on Bangladesh

    Efforts are being made to obtain public access to two reports sent by the World Bank to the Bangladesh government about possible corruption surrounding a major bridge project. Release of the reports is at the discretion of the government, which so far as declined to disclose them. Another World Bank report on the same project, […]

  • 1 April 2010

    Groups Seek Transparency for Aid to Haiti

    As a major conference on aid to Haiti began in New York March 31, a coalition of nongovernmental organizations made a series of pro-transparency recommendations. The recommendations “highlight the need to change the way donor states provide aid, by empowering the Haitian people; strengthening the Haitian government’s capacity to guarantee human rights; and making assistance […]

  • 20 October 2009

    New Report on Aid Transparency: Not Available! Not Accessible!

    Madrid, Spain — Transparency NGO Access Info Europe released a report on October 20 entitled “Not Available! Not Accessible!” to coincide with the opening of the International Aid Transparency Initiative’s conference of donors and recipient governments in the Hague. The report shows how donor governments are failing to make available the information needed to prevent corruption in […]

  • 30 January 2008

    World Bank Details Disclosure Plan for Fraud, Corruption Reports

    The World Bank in late January said it will disclose redacted reports on its fraud and corruption investigations, but not the resulting “action plans.” The Bank’s disclosure intentions came as part of its endorsement of the findings of an internal working group that reviewed a report by an outside group concerning the bank’s investigative operations. […]

  • 28 August 2007

    World Bank Issues Implementation Plan for Anticorruption Strategy

    The World Bank has released its long-awaited “implementation plan” for its governance and anticorruption strategy, a document much shorter and less specific that the guiding Bank “strategy” set in March. There are some new revelations, however. The implementation plan issued Aug. 21 for the first time reveals a budget, $14.8 million for fiscal 2008. And […]

  • 4 August 2006

    World Bank Continues Work on Anticorruption Strategy

    Liberally sprinkled with references to “transparency,” the latest internal World Bank draft anticorruption strategy appears to follow through on President Paul Wolfowitz’s pledge to increase investment in the areas of media and freedom of information. While lacking in operational details, the “revised draft” of July 20, 2006, obtained by, calls for a new stress […]

  • 17 July 2006

    UNDP Seminar Spotlights Complexity of Expanding Right to Know

    By Toby McIntosh Fostering the right to know in developing countries requires multi-faceted, flexible strategies, according to the minutes of a May 2006 seminar sponsored by the United Nations Development Program. The 31 seminar participants, with practical experience in many parts of the world, reviewed the impediments to improving government transparency and shared insights on […]

  • 27 June 2006

    Two Steps Forward, One Step Backwards: The Access to Information Campaign in Argentina

    By Martha Farmelo and Mariela Belski Martha Farmelo is Coordinator of the Freedom of Expression Program and Mariela Belski Coordinator of the Access to Public Information Program at the Buenos Aires-based Association for Civil Rights ( Which is preferable, a severely flawed national access to information law, or no law at all? Freedom of information […]