
  • 20 July 2016

    Doubt Raised on Prospects for Ghanian RTI Legislation 

    Ghana’s parliament “does not appear eager to pass” a right to information bill, according to reporting by Nana Poku in News Ghana. The article quotes George Loh, a member of Parliament for North Dayi and ranking member of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee: Let me say it here and now, that some members of […]

  • 14 July 2016

    SDG16 Coalition Announces Database on Measurement

    A coalition of international nongovernmental organizations has recommended that the Sustainable Development Goal on access to information be measured initially based on one component – whether a country has an access to information (ATI) law. Comprehensive international data isn’t available on the other key component of the SDG ATI target –“implementation” of ATI laws, according to […]

  • 14 July 2016

    Albanian Institutions Fail NGO’s Transparency Test

    Albania’s public institutions met their obligations to give public information on request in only 42 per cent of the cases, according to a study by the nongovernmental organization Mjaft, as described in a Balkan Insight article. “We sent out 230 requests for information, 80 for central institutions, 137 for local ones and 13 for justice […]

  • 14 July 2016

    Malaysian NGO Objects to Penang FOI Restrictions

    The Sinar Project has written about its campaign to show that FOI implementation in Penang does not comply with international guidelines. The nongovernmental organization describes “arbitrary provisions” that restrict sharing of public documents. The article says: Penang FOI Enactment doesn’t comply to international definitions due to multiple exceptions that restrict access to information such as minutes […]

  • 14 July 2016

    FOI Notes: India, Corporate Transparency, Turkey, EU, US, Open Data, Open Science, More

    India: “A new movement demanding an Accountability Bill has emerged from Rajasthan, where activist Nikhil Dey of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, along with Suchna Evam Rozgar Abhiyan, is on a ‘Jawab Do’ campaign,” according to an article in The Times of India. Corporate Transparency: India has the most transparent companies while Chinese firms are the most opaque, according […]

  • 13 July 2016

    Study Says Bangladeshi Women Inhibited From Accessing Information

    Women in Bangladesh do not seek government information as often as men, according to community leaders and experts interviewed for a study conducted by Manusher Jonno Foundation and the Carter Center’s Global Access to Information Program. The report, “Women and the Right of Access to Information in Bangladesh,” is based primarily on interviews 128 community […]

  • 7 July 2016

    Ghana RTI Coalition Warns Parliament About Slow Pace

    The Coalition on the Right To Information in Ghana has voiced strong concern that Parliament is not prioritizing passage of a right to information bill despite assurances by the Speaker of Parliament Edward Doe Adjaho. The Coalition in a statement said “with the current pace at which the consideration process is going, the Bill may […]

  • 7 July 2016

    Indian Government Orders More Proactive Disclosure

    Frequently requested information must be disclosed to the public and “transparency audits” should be conducted by advisory committees, according to a new order from India’s Department of Personnel and Training. The order does not dictate the mode of disclosure, by another section of the order says departments may set up “Information and Facilitation Centres” (IFCs) […]

  • 7 July 2016

    FOI Notes: Morocco, Iraq, United States, India, Canada, Scotland, Mexico, More

    Morocco: The Morrocan Center for the RTI (Cemdi) (Facebook) holds a July 4 a press conference about the draft FOI bill (in French). Abderrahim​ Foukahi, president of the CEMDI addresses wavering on the issue (three drafts since 2013) and delays (for example, six months between the receipt of the bill in Parliament and the beginning […]

  • 1 July 2016

    Obama Signs FOIA Bill; Defends Transparency Record

    President Barrack Obama on June 30 signed into law a package of Freedom of Information Act reforms, using the occasion to release a detailed defense of his FOI record. The amendments (S. 337, committee report) write into law a specific presumption of openness, strengthen the FOIA ombudsman, put a time limit on the use of the deliberative process exemption and […]

  • 30 June 2016

    UN, LA Rapporteurs Criticize Brazil on FOI Administration

    The United Nations and Inter-American Commission experts on freedom of expression on June 24 expressed their concern about Brazil’s “converting the National Controller’s Office (CGU) into a new Ministry of Transparency, Monitoring and Oversight.” “In recent years, the main progresses made in Brazil in the promotion of the right to information in Brazil greatly benefited […]

  • 30 June 2016

    FOINotes: UNEP, US, US, Open Data, Uganda, Blockchain Technology, More

    UNEP: Carole Excell from the World Resources Institute is appointed as the outside member of the Access to Information Panel of the UN Environmental Programme. United States: “The Public And Its Right To Know,” by Kathleen Weldon, Director of Communications for the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University. “While the public has widely […]

  • 29 June 2016

    World Bank Forgoes Transparency, Hides Behind Policy Loophole

    By Nezir Sinani The author is Europe and Central Asia Manager at the Bank Information Center, a Washington-based nongovernmental organization. Co-authored by Margaret Federici, Campaigns Associate. This article appeared in The Huffington Post. On May 26, 2016, sixty-nine civil society organizations (CSOs) from twenty-six countries urged the World Bank to maintain transparency throughout the ongoing review of […]

  • 27 June 2016

    Sri Lanka Passes RTI Law; Campaign Began in 2004

    Sri Lanka’s Parliament on June 24 unanimously approved an amended right to information bill. The Right to Information Act, No 12 of 2016, was finally certified by the Speaker on Aug. 4 (text). Some changes, largely technical, were made to bill to accommodate the opinion of the Supreme Court. (See previous reports here and […]

  • 23 June 2016

    Tanzanian Government Offers Modified RTI Legislation

    The Tanzanian government has produced a new right to information bill, posted on Parliament’s website (text) and offered on first reading June 23. The bill is signed by Harrison Mwakyembe, Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, and dated May 10. Activists tweeted about the new version, but there does not appear to have been news coverage […]

  • 23 June 2016

    Regional Alliance Criticizes Move by Brazil Government

    Shifting the administration of the access to information law to a different department is a bad idea, according to a statement (in Spanish) by the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information. The responsibility is being moved from the Comptroller General (CGU) to the Ministry of Transparency, Surveillance and Control. The Alliance, a network of […]

  • 23 June 2016

    Report Recommends Updating EU Access Regime

    European Union policies on access to documents are “seriously outdated,” according to a new report prepared for a parliamentary committee. A series of mostly critical recommendations were made by the two law professor authors: Deirdre Curtin of the European University Institute of Florence and Päivi Leino-Sandberg of the University of Helsinki. The report was commissioned […]

  • 23 June 2016

    UK Campaign Rejects Proposed FOIA Amendment

    A Justice Committee recommendation would “seriously undermine FOI Act,” according to the Campaign for FOI. The coalition objected particularly to a proposal to abolish the main right to appeal against the Information Commissioner’s decisions. The Justice Committee report endorses a recommendation made this March by the Commission on Freedom of Information chaired by Lord Burns. The […]

  • 23 June 2016

    FOI Notes: Hungary, Canada, Jobs, Nigeria, India, US, New Zealand, Denmark, Australia

    Hungary/OGP: An OGP committee agrees with civil society complaints about Hungary, the OGP announces. The Criteria and Standards subcommittee conducted a review of the evidence presented in the letter. The subcommittee adopted a report which found the concerns expressed in the letter to be relevant to the government of Hungary’s participation in OGP and to […]

  • 16 June 2016

    FOI Notes: US FOI Success, World Bank, Braille, OGP, Open Data, Malta, US, UK, Australia, India, Canada, More

    United States: Examples of 50 recent FOIA success stories in the US have been posted by the National Security Archive, the sponsor of OGP: “Learning to Open Government: New Evidence to Inform the OGP’s Efforts to Make Change Happen,” a report by Florencia Guerzovich and Michael Moses of Global Integrity, based on the experiences […]