
  • 17 February 2015

    Sri Lanka Issues Draft Bill; Commenters Urge Changes

    The new Sri Lankan government has issued draft right to information bill that several international organizations say is good but needs improvements. With rapid passage in mind, the government provided limited time for comment before it is presented before Parliament, possibly on Feb. 20. (See draft bill here.) The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative welcomes the initiative and […]

  • 12 February 2015

    Ghana Committee Approves Right to Information Bill

    A parliamentary committee in Ghana has advanced an amended right to information bill for consideration by the full Parliament. The Select Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has reviewed the bill and presented its report to Parliament, according to sources in Ghana and media reports. The committee accepted many of the changes proposed by […]

  • 12 February 2015

    FOI Notes: Sharks Teeth, Journalism, Video, South Africa, Open Data, US

    Australia: “Environmental groups have applied to have the jaws of two great white sharks that were killed after a shark attack off the West Australian coast last year released under freedom of information (FOI) laws,” according to an article in The Guardian. “It’s the first attempt in Australia to use the FOI act to access […]

  • 9 February 2015

    Macedonian Protestors File FOI Requests About Policy

    Besides marching in the street, Macedonian protesters against certain new taxes and fees are filing freedom of information requests about them. The charges on part-time workers and freelancers were supposed to go into effect Jan. 1. They have been the subject of several rallies in Skopje by several thousand persons. Payment for certain categories of […]

  • 5 February 2015

    Nigeria FOI Advocates Seek More Training of Judges

    Nigerian Freedom of Information advocates on Feb. 2 called for “the sensitization of judges” about the Freedom of Information Act because many of them are issuing “decisions that are inconsistent with the spirit and letters of the Law.” In a communiqué at the end of their three-day Freedom of Information Implementers Strategy Meeting, held in […]

  • 5 February 2015

    Mendel Paper Suggests Ways to Improve Implementation

    Ideas for improving the implementation of right to information laws are discussed in a new “working paper,” by Toby Mendel, Director of the Centre for Law and Democracy. The 30-page “Designing Right to Information Laws for Effective Implementation,” was the subject of a webinar sponsored by the World Bank Feb. 5. Some of the suggestions are […]

  • 5 February 2015

    NGOs, Media Groups Criticize Draft Cambodian Secrets Law

    A proposed Cambodian law to protect state secrets is being criticized by nongovernmental organizations, opposition legislators and media watchdogs, according to a report by Radio Free Asia. The proposed legislation could be used by Prime Minister Hun Sen’s ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) to stifle leaks about official corruption and other political information the public […]

  • 5 February 2015

    RTI Complaints Not Allowed Under Indian Consumer Law

    India’s national consumer commission has ruled that an dissatisfied right to information applicant may not seek recourse through  the Consumer Protection Act, according to the ruling and an article in The Hindustan Times. Sanjay Kumar Mishra of Panchkula had filed a petition challenging the orders of a state RTI commission, claiming to be a consumer […]

  • 5 February 2015

    FOI Notes: OGP, EU, US, Transparency Research

    Open Government Partnership: The OGP Access to Information Working Group has issued a brief questionnaire soliciting “ideas on the priorities for working group, potential activities, and the way in which you are interested in contributing to the OGP ATI Working Group.” Deadline Feb. 7. United Kingdom: “FOI 10 Years On: Freedom Fighting or Lazy Journalism,” […]

  • 4 February 2015

    Report Scores Compliance With South Africa Access Law

    Government compliance with South Africa’s 15-year-old Promotion of Access to Information Act is in a “sorry state,” according to one summary of a recently released “shadow report” by the PAIA Civil Society Network. “Its findings show that while patterns of compliance are not as dire as has been the case in recent years and there have […]

  • 29 January 2015

    Seychelles President Michel Commits to Draft FOI Law

    The president of the Seychelles, James Michel, has pledged to develop freedom of information legislation. His statement came during a visit by Pansy Tlakula, the Special Rapporteur of the African Union on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information. Michel was quoted as saying that his government will begin consultations on FOI legislation based on […]

  • 29 January 2015

    OGP Access Group Intends To Survey Members on Goals

    The Access to Information Working Group formed by the Open Government Partnership will soon send out a questionnaire to members soliciting their views. “The questionnaire will be used as a basis/input for this year’s OGP ATI working group action plan,” according to Laura Neuman, the Director of the Global Access to Information Initiative at the […]

  • 29 January 2015

    Groups Praise Government of Cambodia for ATI Law Plans

    Participants in a December National Workshop on Access to Information in Cambodia issued a statement praising the government’s commitment to develop an Access to Information Law with the Ministry of Information taking the lead role in the process. The 191 participants also drew attention to a variety of transparency problems. Regarding the commitment to develop […]

  • 29 January 2015

    Sri Lankan Government Plans Committee to Draft RTI Bill

    The new Sri Lankan government will form a committee to prepare a right to information bill, according to media reports including an extensive article in The Island by Randima Attygalle and a published interview of a key minister. The planned working committee of 15-20 members will include the Secretary to the Mass Media and Information Ministry, […]

  • 29 January 2015

    Rwanda Groups Establish Site for Making Access Requests

    A new web portal established by Rwandan nongovernmental organizations will facilitate access to information. The new web portal is designed to provide an online channel for inquiries to be submitted straight to information officers. The website, Sobanukirwa, makes it possible to make requests anonymously. Sobanukirwa is translated into English, French and Kinyarwanda. Fredrick Akaranganwa, the Head […]

  • 29 January 2015

    FOI Notes: Transparency News in Brief

    Resources: The Freedom of Information Advocates Network unveils a new website. Freedom House: Freedom in the World 2015 has ben posted with the main conclusion: More aggressive tactics by authoritarian regimes and an upsurge in terrorist attacks contributed to a disturbing decline in global freedom in 2014. Freedom in the World 2015 found an overall […]

  • 22 January 2015

    South African Ministry Drops Appeal Over `Key Points’

    The South African Police Ministry will drop its objections to disclosing a list of National Key Points. A South African court in December gave the ministry 30 days to make public the list of places designated by the government as being of key security importance. (See previous article.) The ministry has decided to withdraw […]

  • 22 January 2015

    Colombian President Signs Decree Implementing Law

    Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos on Jan. 20 signed a decree implementing the Transparency and Access to Information Act (Law 1712) approved by Congress in early 2014. Santos said in a declaration that he wants 2015 to be the year of peace and also of fighting against corruption. He invited every Colombian citizen to use […]

  • 22 January 2015

    NGO Recommends Reforming Bangladesh Exemptions

    A nongovernmental organization in Bangladesh has recommended reforming the exemption section in the 2009 Right to Information Act. The Management and Resource Development Initiative (MRDI) said section 7 of the RTI law should be changed to make it more favorable for the public. MRDI Executive Director Hasibur Rahman presented the recommendations to Chief Information Commissioner Mohammed […]

  • 22 January 2015

    FOI Notes: Many Countries, Many Transparency Topics

    Scotland: Reforms are necessary to counter the erosion the law, according to an anniversary report by Scottish Information Commissioner Rosemary Agnew. India: “What has ten years of RTI achieved?” asks the headline to an article in The Tribune by Pamerla Philipose. Open Government Partnership: “What to watch for in 2015,” an outlook article by the OGP staff. […]