
  • 15 July 2015

    Groups Condemn Spanish FOI Implementation Proposal

    A draft regulation to implement Spain’s freedom of information law came under sharp criticism July 13 from Access Info Europe and the 65-member Coalición Pro Acceso. A press release called the proposed regulation “a deliberate attempt by the government to further limit an already weak law and have called for it to be redrafted with urgency.” […]

  • 15 July 2015

    Cyprus Developing Bill on Access to Information

    The government is drafting freedom of information legislation, according to Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou. He said July 12 that access to government information is a “basic human right,” according to a report in The Cyprus Mail. “The bill still contains provisions relating to the exercise of rights, obligations of authorities and the steps a citizen […]

  • 15 July 2015

    Groups Seek Return of RTI Bill for Passage in Tunisia

    Article 19 and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network have called on the Tunisian government to get back to work on right to information legislation The joint statement expressed “deep concern” that the government recently withdrew the draft fundamental law on the right to access information “without any apparent reason just prior to its final adoption.” (See previous […]

  • 9 July 2015

    Indians File 4.5 RTI Requests Annually, Study Estimates

    Indians filed more that 4.5 million right to information requests annually in recent years, according to a major nationwide study by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative. The report digs deep into frequently incomplete data from national and state information commissions. CHRI makes 30 recommendations, mainly focused on the administration of the act and recordkeeping. In […]

  • 9 July 2015

    Ghana Parliament Opens Debate on RTI Legislation

    The Parliament of Ghana on July 2 began debating a right to information bill, with one member calling it “a minefield” and a key minister replying that it is essential for the Ghanaian democracy and economy. Debate on the bill was not completed, according to the official , publication of which lags by several days. […]

  • 9 July 2015

    Palestinian Groups Form Coalition to Push for Law

    Palestinian groups have formed a Coalition on the Right of Access to Information to address “an urgent, yet unfulfilled need” to pass a freedom of information. A group of civil society organizations plan to hold a series of consultative meetings at the invitation of the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA). The organizations are: […]

  • 9 July 2015

    Hungary OKs Amendments Criticized as Regressive

    The Hungarian Parliament on July 6 approved legislation to raise the cost of making freedom of information requests and make it harder to access information, reported the non-governmental organization Index on Censorship, The Budapest Beacon and K-Monitor (in Hungarian). The bill, submitted by Minister of Justice László Trócsányi July 3, was moved through with fast-track procedures, and is expected […]

  • 9 July 2015

    FOI Notes: US, UK, Germany, Kenya, Open Data, India, Pakistan, Canada

    Germany: The Federal Administrative Supreme court of Germany forces the German Parliament to give public access to records on “UFOs,” according to post on the UFO Chronicle blog. United States: The Justice Department releases new guidelines for agencies seeking to close out old requests that the requesters might not be interested in anymore. Building on 2010 […]

  • 8 July 2015

    Tunisian President Pulls Access Bill for Amendment

    Tunisia’s president July 3 decided to withdraw the bill on access to information, a move that “astonished” one group. The president’s plan is to amend the bill, announced a spokesperson, according to a short news article. The move came in advance of planned consideration by the Assembly of People’s Representatives of Organic Law No. 55/2014, which […]

  • 8 July 2015

    Indian Court Seeks Answers From Political Parties

    The Indian Supreme Court July 6 asked all six national political parties to explain why they should not be covered by the Right to Information Act, as determined by the Central Information Commission, according to media reports such as one in The Hindu. The order by Chief Justice H.L. Dattu came following a plea by […]

  • 8 July 2015

    Pakistan PM Promises to Bring RTI Bill to Cabinet

    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has asked that the draft of Right to Information Bill be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Federal Cabinet for its approval, according to an article on and another in PakistanToday. Sharif on July 3 asked the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to introduce RTI bill […]

  • 2 July 2015

    Hungary Proposes Higher Fees, Longer Response Times

    The Hungarian government has proposed a bill (in Hungarian) to hike fees for freedom of information requests and to double the length of the response period from 15 to 30 days. The new rules also would permit refusal of requests on the grounds that documents are “preparatory” or the copyright of third persons. Repeat requests could […]

  • 2 July 2015

    Ghana Parliament to Begin Debate of RTI Legislation

    The Ghana Parliament on June 30 moved toward plenary consideration of right to information legislation. The bill has advanced to “second reading,” further than ever before. The Attorney General moved for the debate on June 25. A parliamentary committee issued a report on the long-stalled bill. The report is dated December 2014, but only recently […]

  • 2 July 2015

    FOI Notes: Funding, OGP Elections, Research, Reports, UK , US, Israel, EU, India, Canada, IMF

    Funding: “Are you involved in a process, project, initiative or practice that tries to strengthen citizens’ voice to get governments to respond and be accountable to them? Are you a ‘do-er’ who reflects on your experience and learns from your own practice and that of others? Or, are you a researcher who is curious about […]

  • 1 July 2015

    Nigerian Agency Denies Access to Official Asset Forms

    The Nigerian Code of Conduct Bureau has turned down a freedom of information request for the asset declaration forms of both President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, citing “personal privacy.” The declarations were sought by civil society organizations Stop Impunity Nigeria (SIN) and Centre for Social Justice (CENSOJ). The Bureau also argued that […]

  • 1 July 2015

    IACHR Report Urges Strong RTI Supervisory Bodies

    Edison Lanza, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter?American Commission on Human Rights, has called on governments to build “robust” supervisory bodies with sufficient power and resources to ensure access to information. The recommendations come in a detailed report entitled “The Right to Access to Public Information in the Americas: Specialized Supervisory and […]

  • 1 July 2015

    South Asia Advisory Group Issues RTI Recommendations

    The Transparency Advisory Group (TAG) in South Asia has recommended making private sector bodies and political parties subject to right to information laws. These were among a series of just-released recommendations decided on during the group’s sixth meeting, held in February. See detailed report on meeting and summary. The group also addressed the role of […]

  • 1 July 2015

    E-Mails Subject to Disclosure, Peru Superior Court Rules

    E-mails from public officials using official e-mail accounts and containing public information should be made public according to a June 24 decision by the Superior Court of Lima, Specialized Constitutional Court. While the ruling is specifically about the emails of former Minister of Energy and Mines Eleodoro Mayorga in the case of the New National Hydrocarbons Regulations, […]

  • 29 June 2015

    Sri Lanka Fails to Pass RTI Bill Before New Elections

    Right to information legislation promised by the new president has not passed in Sri Lanka, a victim of political differences over electoral reform that led President Maitripala Sirisena to dissolve parliament and call new elections. Passage of an RTI bill in his first 100 days in office was a campaign pledge for Sirisena, who was […]

  • 25 June 2015

    Moroccan Draft Law Criticized; Rated Better

    The Moroccan government’s latest draft freedom of information law is better than a 2104 version, according to well-known international rating, but worse than a 2013 draft. The draft has been given a score of 79 on the 150-point RTI Rating done by the Centre for Democracy and Law. This latest score is above the rating of […]