African Development Bank

Requests: Not specified, but try External Relations and Communications.

Procedures: Few.  See disclosure policy.

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  • 21 July 2015

    Transparency of aid agencies: Are those high grades deserved?

    By Jeffrey Gutman The author is a Senior Fellow in the Global Economy and Development. He is the former vice president of Operations Policy and Country Services at the World Bank and has held various other operational positions during his 30-plus-year career at the Bank. His research focuses on issues of infrastructure, urban development and […]

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  • 15 July 2015

    Report Sees Disclosure Gap on Aid Implementation

    A major weakness of transparency policies at the World Bank and other aid agencies is the lack of information about the implementation of projects, according to a Brookings Institute report. “What is evident is that there remains a critical gap, especially when it comes to the timely and accessible disclosure of information during project Implementation,” […]

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  • 26 October 2012

    IFIs Rate Low on Access by Publish What Your Fund

    International financial institutions fared poorly in the “freedom of information” category of the recently issued ratings by Publish What Your Fund. Although the development banks ranked high overall on the 43 factors used, their scores in the access to information category merited red dots. The red dots signified “poor legislation” in the category, just one […]

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  • 3 May 2012

    AfDB Directors Approve New Disclosure Policy

    The African Development Bank Board of Directors on May 2 approved a new policy on disclosure and access to information. The policy, available in English and French, will be made effective in nine months. The policy does not appear to be changed from a March draft on which the AfDB requested comments. (See previous […]

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  • 6 April 2012

    AfDB Seeks Comment on Draft Disclosure Policy

    The African Development Bank has issued an only slightly revised draft disclosure policy, which is now open for public comments in advance of a planned May 2 Board discussion. The latest version appears to be largely unchanged from the draft from last June, on which consultations were held. Some critics said it was too narrow. […]

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  • 6 January 2012

    IFIs Faulted for Exemptions in Disclosure Policies

    International financial institutions (IFIs) have “overbroad regimes of exceptions” in their  transparency policies, according to a report issued by the Centre for Law and Democracy. Particularly troublesome are the exceptions relating to internal deliberations and third-party commercial information, according to the CLD report, prepared as a member of the Global Transparency Initiative, an international coalition advocating  […]

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  • 9 August 2011

    GTI Submits Comments to African Development Bank

    The Global Transparency Initiative Aug. 9 provided comments to the African Development Bank on its proposed new policy on access to information. GTI welcomed the commitment by the Bank to move to a proper presumption of disclosure and to establish both internal and external appeals mechanisms to review refusals to provide access. At the same […]

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  • 24 June 2011

    Detailed Reports Finds Weakneses in AfDB Policy

    Obtaining information from the African Development Bank can be frustrating, according to researchers who visited the Bank’s website and went to Bank local offices. Their experiences informed a detailed study, the results of which have just been released. It was conducted for the Global Transparency Initiative by Idasa, an Africa democracy institute based in South Africa. […]

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  • 27 May 2011

    AfDB Posts Draft Access Rules on Website

    Without fanfare, the African Development Bank May 25 posted on its website a proposal to redo its access to information rules. The draft will be the subject of consultations with civil society on June 10 in Portugal at the AfDB annual meting, according to information from Bank officials. However, the AfDB has not yet described a […]

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  • 4 May 2011

    AfDB Agrees to Consult on New Disclosure Policy

    The African Development Bank Board of Directors has decided to seek public input on a proposal to revise its 2005 disclosure policy, according sources close to the process and a May 2 letter from AfDB President Donald Kaberuka to the Global Transparency Initiative.   The decision to hold consultations came at an informal meeting of the AfDB board […]

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  • 28 April 2011

    AfDB Aims for Fast Action on Draft Disclosure Policy

    The African Development Bank has developed a draft disclosure policy and appears to be on a fast-track to adopt it, without a consultation period. The Global Transparency Initiative April 27 urged the Bank to establish a public consultation process for a yet-unreleased proposal. The Board was scheduled to discuss the policy April 29 and possibly […]

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  • 30 July 2010

    GTI Urges AfDB to Consult on Disclosure Policy

    The Global Transparency Initiative and leaders of several African groups have urged African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka to conduct public consultations as it reviews its disclosure policy. The Bank has indicated recently that it intends to revamp the Bank’s 2005 disclosure policy, a commitment praised in the July 30 letter to Kaberuka. Less clear is how the […]

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  • 1 July 2010

    AFDB Planning Disclosure Policy Review

    The African Development Bank has included revision of its disclosure policy among the promised reforms as it seeks a large budgetary increase.

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  • 12 September 2005

    Best Practices on Transparency Among IFIs

    The Asian Development Bank has pulled markedly ahead of other international financial institutions in its standards for disclosure and civic participation, but like its sister international organizations the ADB continues make slow progress when measured against the increasingly refined transparency agenda of critics. In recent years several international finance institutions have adopted improved transparency policies, […]

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  • 13 April 2004

    African Development Bank Issues New Disclosure Policy

    The African Development Bank on March 30, 2004 published a new disclosure policy going further than other international financial institutions in the release of draft documents. The new policy is available here. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the draft AfDB policy announced in October was the flirtation with the release of draft Country Strategy […]

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In this column, Washington, D.C.-based journalist Toby J. McIntosh reports on the latest developments in information disclosure in International Financial and Trade Institutions (IFTI).
Contact: or
1-(703) 276-7748