Nepal RTI Activists Urge More Post-Earthquake Information

28 May 2015

Right to information activists in Nepal have urged the government to provide more proactive disclosure and dissemination of information related to its efforts  in the wake of devastating earthquake that struck the country.

A memorandum (in Nepali language)  containing 19 points was sent to National Information Commission by the Citizens’ Campaign for Right to Information (CCRI) and Freedom Forum.

“Among various demands put forth by the RTI practitioners are arrangement of free and objective flow of information to the quake-affected people during the state of emergency, placing measures for maximum disclosure and dissemination of information related to government’s efforts on rescue, relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction and maintaining transparency of relief package being delivered to the survivors from government and other supporters,” according a summary of the memo.

The memo also asked the government “to assign a designated officer to respond quake survivors’ request to obtain any information on relief, residence and security and listen and redress their complaints and appeals from grassroots to central level and bring into operation information centres to impart government efforts, available services in the affected regions and districts.”

“We urge the state agencies to respect and adhere to constitutionally guaranteed citizen\s right to seek, obtain and impart information of public importance and the RTI Act-2064 BS importantly at the time of national crisis,” the document says.

Separately, a post by Ankit Das on the EverestPost blog praises government for providing information but says “more efforts are needed.”

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