Bahamas FOI Bill Rated Average in New Scoring

7 May 2015

The Bahamian Freedom of Information bill scores 88 points, which would put it in a tie for 48th place in the world, if it ever becomes law, according to an evaluation by the Global Right to Information Rating.

Antigua has the top-rated law in the Caribbean region, 11th in the world, and the newly ranked Cayman Islands law is tied for 13th position globally. Dominican Republic is lowest ranked placing 93rd among the 102 laws currently rated. The ratings are done by the Centre for Law and Democracy and InfoEurope based on a 150 point system.

Commenting on the Bahamas results, CLD Executive Director, Toby Mendel said, “This further supports the calls by local campaigners in the Bahamas for improvements to their Bill before it is passed into law, although this should not be used as an excuse to further delay adoption of this Bill.”

The bill has been passed by Parliament, but not signed by the Prime Minister.

The Bahamas Press Club April 7 urged the Perry Christie government for action on the FOI legislation noting that the Prime Minister was quoted as telling journalism students, “The minister of education has just told me he is ready to bring the Act.”

Save The Bays, an environmental group pushing for a bill, in March expressed “disbelief and shock” following headlines that the government has no date in mind for a bill.

In September, the education minister said the bill would not be ready until early 2016. (See previous report.)

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