Article 19 Urges Sri Lanka Not to Limit Human Rights

25 March 2015

Sri Lanka’s draft constitutional amendment on freedom of expression and the right to information should be broadened “to make sure that constitutional rights are available to all, not just citizens,” according to Article 19, the London-based free expression group.

In a March 23 statement, Thomas Hughes, Article 19 Executive Director, said:

According to international law human rights belong to all, not just those with citizenship. Rules restricting rights so that they only apply to citizens have been used elsewhere to prevent marginalised and economically disadvantaged people – many of whom cannot afford or are prevented from becoming citizens – from exercising their rights.

“Given that the Sri Lankan government is amending the Constitution, it should make sure that the provision on the right to freedom of expression is expanded to apply to everybody, not just citizens” he concluded.

The new government in Sri Lanka is preparing right to information legislation and hopes to propose it in early April, according to a ColomboPage article.

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