Many Think Tanks Lack Transparency, Report Shows

17 February 2015

More than two-thirds of think tanks worldwide do not disclose where their money comes from, according to a new report by Transparify.

But the news is not uniformly negative. Over half of 35 U.S. think tanks are now broadly or highly transparent, according to the group based in the country of Georgia. Three got perfect scores.

“Compared to last year’s results, this is a vast improvement. The gains in the U.S. are the most dramatic, but the trend towards greater transparency is global,” said Hans Gutbrod, the executive director of Transparify.

The 2015 think tank transparency report rates the levels of financial disclosure of over 160 think tanks located in 47 countries worldwide.

The report says that more than 26 think tanks have disclosed significantly more data over the past year.

A total of 31 policy research institutions are now highly transparent, the report says. Three institutions – the Natural Resource Governance Institute, the Social Policy and Development Centre, and the Stimson Center are rated as fully transparent.

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