FOI Notes: Transparency News in Brief

29 January 2015

Resources: The Freedom of Information Advocates Network unveils a new website.

Freedom House: Freedom in the World 2015 has ben posted with the main conclusion:

More aggressive tactics by authoritarian regimes and an upsurge in terrorist attacks contributed to a disturbing decline in global freedom in 2014. Freedom in the World 2015 found an overall drop in freedom for the ninth consecutive year.

New Organization: The Centre for Law and Information Policy has been formed in the United Kingdom, according to an article in the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers.

Australia:The OAIC FOI Experiment,” by James Popple of the Australian National University, discusses the government’s effort by the Australian government to disband the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and how the FOI landscape in Australia was changed by the 2010 reforms.

Australia: “Australia’s freedom of information watchdog is working from home, after the government’s plans to abolish his role stalled in the Senate,” according to an article in The Guardian. How the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner is “soldiering on with reduced resources” is also addressed in the Open and Shut blog.

Commentary: Is Democracy in Decline? That’s the topic of the new issue of the Journal of Democracy.

United States: The latest reports by subcommittees of the FOI Advisory Committee are posted.

India: Students use the RTI act, according to an article in The Hans India.

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