Argentina’s Supreme Court Backs RTI for Legislator

14 October 2014

The Supreme Court of Justice from Argentina on Oct. 14 issued two decisions supporting the right of access to information.

In both cases the defendant, the national government, said that the plaintiff, a national congressman, was not entitled to ask for public information, because he had require it as a legislator.

The Court, however, said that the right of access to public information is granted to any person and the condition of congressman cannot lessen that right.

In one case, the plaintiff inquired if two companies were effectively registered before the authority (Inspección General de Justicia or Justice General Registry) and sought copies of their articles of association, the composition of the corporate governance bodies, control organs, stakeholders, addresses and other information that could be relevant.

In the second case, the congressman asked for information related to the proceeding for the public biddings to build the dams “Presidente Néstor Kirchner” and “Gobernador Jorge Cepernic”.

Both decisions (very short) are in the body of this article.

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