Australia, India, Open Government, Commentary

17 January 2014

Australia: The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has translated some OAIC resources into languages other than English: Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Italian, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese.

India: A report in the Times of India says “government agencies have put vast amount of personal information online, often with little barrier to access and with hardly any provision to prevent their misuse.

Commentary: Jonathan Fox, a professor at American University and an advisor to the Open Government Partnership, writes about international initiatives aimed at promoted transparency and accountability.

Commentary: “Transparency is Overrated” according to an article in The Atlantic by Amitai Etzioni. It begins:

Transparency is the Vitamin C of politics. It does some good under some limited conditions, but can cause harm if used as an alternative medicine when real treatments are needed. Though always popular, transparency has been much in the news recently as the solution to that which ails us. The real treatment is more regulation.

Open Government: A report based on an Aspen Institute conference, “Beyond the Tools: Connecting Citizens and their Governments.”

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