Groups Urge UNCAC Parties to Promote Access Regimes

27 August 2013

A number of nongovernmental organizations Aug. 23 urged parties to the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) to promote adoption of access to information laws and increase the availability of information on beneficial ownership of private companies.

A letter sent to members of the UNCAC Working Group on Prevention was signed by Access Info Europe and Global Financial Integrity together with the civil society UNCAC Coalition.

“Access to information is vital for civil society organisations and members of the public to be able to fulfil their role of participating in anti-corruption efforts,” the letter states. “Greater transparency of beneficial ownership is critical for reducing the ability of corrupt officials to launder and use their ill-gotten gains in the global economy, which would reduce the appeal of engaging in large-scale corruption.”

The members of UNCAC Working Group on Prevention will meet in Vienna Aug. 26-28 to prepare for negotiations to take place at the full Conference of the 156 States Parties to the Convention (COSP) to be held in Panama in November 2013.

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