Group Urges UNCAC to Prioritize FOI Laws

7 June 2013

Access Info Europe May 29 said the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) needs to make access to information a higher priority.

“The right of access to information is a key tool for the prevention of corruption, yet there is no mention of it in the work plan of the UNCAC’s Working Group on Corruption Prevention,” Lydia Medland of Access Info said at a briefing for nongovernmental organizations and country delegates on progress in implementing the UNCAC by the 167 states which have ratified it.

Access to information is required under articles 10 and 13 of the UNCAC. Article 13 says that states should ensure the participation of society in decision-making by respecting and promoting the right and “freedom to seek, receive, publish and disseminate information concerning corruption.”

“In spite of this no mention of reviewing access to information laws is contained in the work programme of the group mandated to prepare for corruption prevention phase,” Access Info pointed out. “Furthermore none of the good practices that the Working Group on Prevention has collected under Article 13 include any reference to access to information laws, in spite of civil society and country delegates consistently singling out transparency as one of the most important mechanisms in the fight against corruption.”

“Together with the UNCAC Coalition, Access Info is working on its priority “Asks” for the next conference of States Parties to be held in November 2013 in Panama.”

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