FOI Notes: Proactive Disclosure, OGP, RTI Video, Argentina, Open Data

15 October 2012

Proactive Disclosure: An article based on a recent lecture given in China by Mitchell W. Pearlman, former executive director of the Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission and is now a lecturer in media law at the University of Connecticut. Posted on the website of the U.S. National Freedom of Information Coalition.

It concludes in part: “Unfortunately, many government officials shy away from disclosing information because they fear they might inadvertently reveal secret or confidential information. And that, of course, is a legitimate concern. But in most instances, their fears have proven to be ill-conceived, speculative and unfounded, if not outright disingenuous. That is why officials have to be constantly reminded of their duty to abide by the guiding principles underlying all access to government information regimes—that is, there is an overriding presumption that all government information is open to the public unless specifically exempt from disclosure.”

Video: The Right2Info website has created a new “RTI videos” page listing 17 videos related to the right to information.

OGP:  The British paper The Guardian plans a live discussion on the future of the Open Government Partnership from  12 pm to 2 pm on Thursday 18 October . “To join our experts on the panel, email”  See here for more details. Another debate, sponsored by the Guardian and Google for a live debate on the role of data in international development on Tuesday 16 October from 6.30 pm until 9 pm will be viewable online. See here for more information.

Argentina: The government of Bahia Blanca, a municipality in the province of Buenos Aires launched a website, “Bahia Blanca – Open Government” that will implement policies of transparency, participation and collaboration. The site provides information about wages, budget spending and data about state suppliers, among other things.

Open Data: “Good basic data for everyone – A driver for growth and efficiency,” a report on Denmark that puts a numerical value on open data .

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