FOI Notes: Open Data, Latin America, ICIC, Morocco, US

21 October 2011

Open Data: Material from the Warsaw open government data conference. An evaluation of the state of open data movement by blogger David Eaves.

Latin America: A delegation representing the Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información will present a report Oct. 24 in Washington at a hearing about access to public information before the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. The Alianza Regional report aims to “demonstrate the need of a permanent promotion, proper implementation and sustainable defense of access to public information, as well as expose important future challenges for the region regarding the subject.” The coalition said: “As for the promotion, we will argue the need to advance in the legislative process to promote the enactment of laws according to international standards. The focus on implementation, will show progress and setbacks in the fully exercise of access to information. Finally, the report will identify challenges in the exercise of this right that allow the access to other fundamental rights, as well as tensions related to the independence of guaranteeing bodies.”

The hearing will take place beginning at 9 a.m. in the Padilha Vidal Room, General Secretariat Building of the OAS, located at 1889 F St. N. W., Washington D.C. There will be alive transmission at the following link: To follow on Twitter, see @AlianzaRegional

ICIC: Here is a link to the presentations made at the International Conference of Information Commissioners meeting in Ottawa.

Morocco: UNESCO has issued a study entitled Vers un droit d’accès à l’information publique au Maroc (Towards freedom of information in Morocco). “The study takes stock of the progress and weakness of FOI in Morocco, and suggests main reform projects in alignment with international standards and best practices in a view to meet the ambition announced in the new Moroccan Constitution.”

United States: The Obama administration issues a memo Oct. 8 advising agencies about “Smart Disclosure,” primarily concerning information that would benefit consumers.

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