Aid Transparency Group Launches Petition Drive

10 June 2011

A coalition of over 50 civil society groups from 20 countries June 8 launched a campaign Make Aid Transparent, which calls on governments and other aid donors to publish more and better information about the money they give.

The effort includes a petition drive and an explanatory animation.  “Providing more and better information about aid isn’t hard, and it will help save lives, reduce corruption and waste and deliver lasting positive change in the world’s poorest countries,” the petition reads.

Members include ActionAid, Publish What You Fund, Transparency International and ONE.

The campaign goes live online today and there will be a physical launch at the Tea Time for Change event in London on June 9 where the animation will be screened and visitors will have the chance to sign the petition.

The first petition handover is envisaged for early July in Paris, at a meeting of aid donors hosted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, according to an announcement. Other activities and actions will take place through the year, with the campaign culminating at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Korea, from Nov. 29 – Dec.1.

The website states: “2011 is a critical moment. Governments have promised to be more transparent and at a big international meeting at the end of this year we have the chance to hold them to account. A public push for greater transparency now will make a huge difference. Governments are reviewing their commitments and if they feel public pressure they will redouble efforts to keep their promises.”

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In this column, Washington, D.C.-based journalist Toby J. McIntosh reports on the latest developments in information disclosure in International Financial and Trade Institutions (IFTI).
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