World Bank Names Winners of Apps Contest

15 April 2011

The World Bank April 14 named the winners of a contest to develop digital apps using the Bank’s data.

The three winning apps “all feature unique approaches to pressing development challenges,” according to the Bank release which listed the winners:

  • First Prize Winner – StatPlanet World Bank (Australia):  With this powerful app, you can visualize and compare country and regional performance over time.  The user can select from among the 3000+ indicators covering virtually every dimension of economic, social, and human development, and can select the manner in which the data is displayed. This app allows anyone an easy interface to these indicators – even without Internet connectivity – via a desktop version of the app.

  • Second Prize Winner – Development Timelines (France): Development Timelines lets you put global development data into historical context and better understand how events such as war, education reforms, or economic booms and busts, affect progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.

  • Third Prize Winner – Yourtopia – Development beyond GDP (Germany): This interactive app allows you to sum up human development according to your own criteria and, through a short quiz, choose how important different dimensions of development are to you. You can then participate in constructing a multiple-dimension index of human development.

The winners also included a Popular Choice Award, determined by online voting by the public, which went to WORLD (Macedonia), an app that selects data at random to generate concise statements about progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.

In addition, the Large Organization Recognition Award was given to International Project Funding: US Foundations and the World Bank (USA), an app that shows funding for agriculture, fishing, and forestry projects from the World Bank and US foundations, as well as the percentage of land cover in each country that is occupied by forests or cropland.

 Honorable Mentions were given to World Bank Widget (Finland), Get a Life! GAME (Netherlands), Know Your World (USA), Bebemama mobile app – Empowering mothers (Thailand), TreePet (Mexico), Economic Data Finder (UK), Indicators Lab (India), FACTCHA: Stop Spam, Advocate for the MDGs! (Kenya), MDG Chart Generator (Jamaica), and MDG Maps (Uganda).

More information on the award winners is available at

With an offer of by $55,000 in cash prizes, the contest generated 107 entries from 36 countries across six continents, and nearly a third from Africa.

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In this column, Washington, D.C.-based journalist Toby J. McIntosh reports on the latest developments in information disclosure in International Financial and Trade Institutions (IFTI).
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