Mexico Informate 2010 Yearbook, Advocacy in Action

7 April 2011

 By Gabriela Ruiz

Visiting researcher at The National Security Archive and FOIA Officer at the Chiapas Access to Information Institute

On March 16, the Mexico Infórmate network unveiled its 2010 Yearbook, which showcases the activities celebrated during the second annual México Infórmate week (Mexico Get Informed) on Sept. 26-Oct. 2, 2010.

During the week, freedom of information advocates in 22 states and Mexico City organized 75 public events and special celebrations to mark International Right to Know Day on Sept. 28.

México Infórmate participated in the Second Transparency Fair which was held in the Zócalo in Mexico City. It organized a forum entitled “The Right of Access to Information: Challenges of Transparency and National Security” at the Law Research Institute of the National Autonomous University (UNAM), as well as workshops around the country to teach journalists how to use the Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Information and file appeals to the Federal Institute of Access to Information (IFAI).

Mexico Infórmate is network coordinated by The National Security Archive that is integrated by members of the media, civil society and local government ministries.  México Infórmate works to provide citizens with the tools to scrutinize their government, such as inspecting the use of public funds and the way in which the authorities make decisions that affect everyone.

The 2010 Yearbook is available for download here.

Printed copies are available upon request by e-mailing  Additional information can be found on the network’s Website, and the México Infórmate Twitter feed, @mxinformate.

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