Moldova: Acces-info Center Releases Evaluation of Access to Public Information

10 April 2009

Chisinau, Moldova — Experts found that, although the Moldovan government improved somewhat in communicating with the public, the passing of the State Secrets Law and other deficiencies diminish the positive impact of the governments reforms, according to Acces-Info Center’s Fourth Quarter 2008 evaluation of access to official public information.

According to its press release, the group of experts, made up of civil society and media representatives, determined that the level of access to official information in Moldova during the fourth quarter of 2008 rated 2.4 on a scale from 0 to 5. This shows slight improvement over the last three quarters.

This week Acces-Info Center also released an English translation of the Law on Transparency in the Decision-Making Process, which was passed by Parliament on November 13, 2008.

Read the Fourth Quarter report here.

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