Inter-American Development Bank Revises Disclosure Policy Proposal

1 August 2003

The Inter-American Development Bank Aug. 4 modified its proposal for a new disclosure policy, making changes that appear to cut in both directions.

The bank’s revised 14-page draft is available at:

On the positive side, the IADB appears to adopt stronger, clearer language for the disclosure of drafts of operational policies, sector policies, sector strategies, and sector guidelines.

Among other pro-disclosure alterations, the Bank added the annual work plan for the Office of Evaluation and Oversight and the quarterly work plan for the Executive Board to the list of disclosable items. The reports to the Board of Executive Directors by the chairs of Board subcommittees describing discussions on such things as country strategies and sectoral policies will be released when the respective document is released. The Bank also indicates that it will release more information about requests of investigation through the Independent Investigation Mechanism, and on the status of investigations. The latest version also drops a statement barring the disclosure of anything not mentioned in the disclosure policy.

On the other hand, the updated proposal appears to strengthen the general prohibition on release of "sensitive" information, an exemption that can be exercised by the Bank or by member governments. Also, country strategy "updates," which originally were going to be released after being sent to the Board, now apparently will not be released.

By Toby McIntosh

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In this column, Washington, D.C.-based journalist Toby J. McIntosh reports on the latest developments in information disclosure in International Financial and Trade Institutions (IFTI).
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