Posts Tagged ‘video’

  • 6 January 2012

    FOIA Notes: Video, UK, Brasil, US, India

    Video:  A two-minute animated video from The Access Initiative of the World Resources Initiative describes the potential value of participation in the decision-making about a new highway. United Kingdom: Martin Rosenbaum in a BBC report discusses efforts to the reform the UK law. He begins: “Freedom of information has been in force in the UK for […]

  • 15 December 2011

    FOI NOTES: Videos, Videos, Aid Transparency, More

    India: To create awareness on the Right to Information Act, It’s Time To Make a Difference (ITMD) released a short film Melukolupu. ITMD plans to screen the film in rural areas to create awareness on RTI among the lesser privileged sections. United Kingdom: BBC FOI expert Martin Rosenbaum in a video providing tips on writing […]