Posts Tagged ‘rti amendments’
14 January 2013
Irish Minister Foresees Partial Application of FOI to NAMA
A key Irish minister Jan. 10 said a revised freedom of information law should be applied to the government-backed financial body established to help bail out the Irish economy, but that certain “safeguards” to protect the commercial interests of the federal government will be required, according to media reports. Application of the FOI law to […]
4 January 2013
Hong Kong Ombudsman Says He Will Examine Access Code
Hong Kong’s Ombudsman Alan Lai has announced an investigation into the access to information regime and records management system in Hong Kong. “There have been calls from time to time from the public for the Administration to enhance citizens’ right to access information,” according to the Jan. 4 press release. “The Administration has thus far maintained […]
31 December 2012
FOI Notes: Open Data, Fighting Corruption, Brazil, Canada, Russia
Open Data/New York: The New York state Committee on Open Government makes transparency and accountability recommendations, proposing to obligate agencies to make their information available in open data format, either by legislation or by an order of the governor. The committee recommends the state “push” information through proactive disclosure by releasing material that is the […]
21 December 2012
Mexican Senate Advances Amendments to FOI Law
The Mexican Senate on Dec. 20 unanimously approved amendments to the freedom of information law, increasing the powers of the FOI oversight body. Under the legislation, supported by new president Enrique Peña Nieto, the Federal Institute of Access to Information (IFAI) would gain new autonomy, with its decisions made binding. (See previous report.) This […]
21 December 2012
Campaign for FOI Objects to UK Government Proposals
The Campaign for Freedom of Information in the United Kingdom Dec. 18 issued a statement objecting that government plans to amend the Freedom of Information Act “would make it harder for requesters to obtain answers to new, complex or contentious FOI requests.” As explained by the Campaign: The government is proposing to make it easier […]
17 December 2012
Canadian Commissioner Extends Period for Comment
The Information Commissioner of Canada has extended the deadline for comments on modernizing the almost 30-year-old Access to Information Act. The “open dialogue” will now run until Jan. 31, 2013. About a dozen submissions have been made since the effort was begun Sept. 28 by commissioner Suzanne Legault. She plans to provide recommendations to Parliament […]
14 December 2012
Peru Decree Restricts National Security Information
The government of Peru Dec. 7 classified all information related to national security and defense as a state secret, also setting 15 years in prison as the punishment for violators. A report by Silvia Hiquera on the blog of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas (Spanish and Portuguese) says the Institute for Press […]
14 December 2012
Fewer Information Requests Made in China, Report Says
The number of citizen requests for information in China has dropped because of impediments facing requesters, according to a new Peking University report. The government is releasing more information, according to the report, but key information about the budget, spending and collection of administrative fees is still missing. The report is described in a Dec. […]
10 December 2012
South Africa to Create Information Regulator
A new “Information Regulator” to be created in South Africa will oversee the access to information law as well as a new data protection law, fulfilling a long-running goal of access to information activists. The development comes in the context of data protection legislation approved by the Parliament and expected to be signed into law […]
10 December 2012
Scottish Panel Declines to Expand Reach of FOI Law
The Finance Committee of the Scottish Parliament Dec. 5 approved a bill to amend the freedom of information law, but did not support changes urged by reformers that would extend the law to private bodies performing public functions. The committee passed the bill on second reading, which sets up a debate in full parliament, probably in mid-January. […]
6 December 2012
No Support Discovered for Indian PM’s Views on RTI
The Times of India asked the office of the prime minister to disclose the basis for PM Manmohan Singh’s October criticisms of the Right to Information Act, but has been told there are no such records, according to an article in the Times. Singh expressed concern over frivolous and vexatious RTI applications, infringement of personal […]
6 December 2012
South Africa: What is the Protection of State Information Bill?
By Nelago Amadhila Amadhila is a political analyst with the consulting firm Political Analysis South Africa, which published this synopsis on Dec. 6. Reprinted with permission. The ANC drove final amendments to the Protection of State Information Bill through the National Council of Provinces on Thursday 29 November 2012. The amended bill was adopted by […]
30 November 2012
South African Panel OKs Protection of Information Bill
A committee of South Africa’s lower chamber of Parliament Nov. 29 approved the committee report on the controversial protection of state information bill by a vote of 34-16. The action by the ad hoc committee of the National Council of Provinces came despite protests from opposition member and by protesters in the streets. The amended […]
30 November 2012
Scottish Government Backs Off FOI Exemption for Royals
The Scottish Government has retreated from its proposal to exempt the royal family from the Scottish Freedom of Information law. The proposal, similar to a protection approved for the United Kingdom FOI law, was criticized recently by a Scottish legislative committee considering a government-proposed bill to amend the law in a variety of ways. Critics […]
23 November 2012
SA Committee Approves Amended Secrecy Bill
An ad hoc committee of the South African Parliament has approved the secrecy bill, setting the stage for expected passage the National Council of Provinces and the National Assembly in the upcoming weeks. The committee Nov. 21 dropped a controversial provision that would have made the new law override the Promotion of Access to Information […]
16 November 2012
Date Set for Committee Action on SA Secrecy Bill
Nov. 21 could be the date for a South African parliamentary committee to vote on the controversial secrecy bill, which has been revised again with the removal of several previous concessions. The reversals, which have drawn objections from the bill’s critics, would retain certain stiff penalties and drop language guaranteeing that the protection of state information bill […]
12 November 2012
Mexican Senate Moving Closer to FOI Legislation
The Mexican Senate is considering significant changes to the Mexican freedom of information regime, most considered positive by FOI advocates, and getting to the stage where the specifics are being debated. The drafting of constitutional amendments and legislation is under way behind the scenes, according to several close observers of the process. The three major […]
2 November 2012
Indian Cabinet Withdraws Controversial RTI Proposal
The Indian Cabinet Nov. 1 pulled back from a six-year-old proposal to dilute the Right to Information Act. The action was a relief to activists. The main effect of the changes, planned back in 2006, would have been to restrict access to “file notings” – documents in which officials make comments about proposed policies. Withdrawing […]
2 November 2012
Scottish Committee Rejects Government FOI Proposals
A Scottish Parliament committee has asked the government to drop a proposed exemption for the British royalty from the freedom of information law and to consider bringing private organizations performing public functions under the act. The Nov. 1 report and press release by the Finance Committee was welcomed by the Campaign for Freedom of Information […]
2 November 2012
South African Minister Opposes Secrecy Bill Changes
South African State Security Minister Siyabonga Cwele Oct. 31 opposed several amendments made to the Protection of State Information Bill that critics have said were improvements to a still flawed bill. He called for the parliamentary committee working on the bill to reinstate a five-year prison sentence for those who disclose classified information. Cwele also […]