Posts Tagged ‘open government partnership’

  • 12 July 2012

    Most OGP Countries Overlook RTI Reform, CDL Study Finds

    Only 30 percent of the countries that have joined the Open Government Partnership and submitted action plans have pledged to substantially enhance their legal frameworks for the right to information, according to a report released July 11 by the Centre for Law and Democracy, a Canadian-based nongovernmental organization.  “Just 13 of the 44 Plans include […]

  • 25 June 2012

    OGP Review: New Study, Continued Activism

    With the submission of most national action plans in the past and their review in the future, recent news about the Open Government Partnership lately has centered on the first study of the action plans and efforts to persuade countries to join or to live up to OGP ideals. Activists in Ireland and Hungary are seeking […]

  • 15 June 2012

    Paraguay Posts OGP Action Plan, Other Plans Missing

    The national actions plan for Paraguay has now been posted on the Open Government partnership website. Two other action plans, for Azerbaijan and Macedonia, that OGP officials said were on the verge of being published several weeks ago, have not yet appeared. South Korea also was reportedly read to post, but it unclear if the material on […]

  • 8 June 2012

    OGP Works on Processes, Faces Personnel Changes

    By Toby McIntosh The Open Government Partnership is working to flesh out the Independent Review Mechanism through which national action plans will be evaluated, and is facing some significant personnel changes. Julie McCarthy, the executive director, due to leave on maternity leave, will return as a part-time senior adviser, so the OGP plans to hire a […]

  • 21 May 2012

    Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Egypt Aim to Join OGP

    “Tunisia plans to join the OGP in 2012 and Libya, Morocco and Egypt plan to initiate steps toward eligibility this summer,” according to a fact sheet issued by the Group of Eight following a May 19 meeting in Camp David, Md. The G-8 leaders pledged to “assist each transition country with progress toward membership in […]

  • 18 May 2012

    OGP Seeks Input on Evaluation Mechanism

    The Open Government Partnership is seeking comment on the structure of the system that will be used to review member country’s national action plans.  The survey comes in advance of a planned OGP subcommittee meeting on the subject May 24-45 in London.  The Standards and Criteria subcommittee will come up with recommendations on the Independent […]

  • 18 May 2012

    Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Paraguay, South Korea, Finish OGP Action Plans

    Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Paraguay and South Korea have completed their national action plans as part of the Open Government Partnership process. Their plans have not been posted, but will be soon, has learned. Three other countries that joined the OGP last year still have not delivered their plans: Liberia, Ghana and Mongolia. The OGP co-chairs […]

  • 11 May 2012

    Taking Stock of OGP

    By Abhinav Bahl Bahl works for Global Integrity, which published this article May 9. The Open Government Partnership is officially afoot with the Articles of Governance formally approved and adopted at the first annual meeting in Brasilia last month. With distance gained from the meeting, this is a good moment to take stock of where […]

  • 30 April 2012

    OGP Still Developing Rules on Member Noncompliance

    The Open Government Partnership Steering Committee  on April 16 engaged in a discussion, still partially unresolved, of how to handle members who fail to live up to their commitments, according to minutes released April 30. The committee – made up of 18 members, half from governments and half from civil society – sets policy for […]

  • 30 April 2012

    New Details Emerge on OGP Review Mechanism

    The next major stage in the history of the Open Government Partnership will occur as the 55 members review their implementation of their national action plans, and have their compliance  reviewed by experts. This Independent  Reporting Mechanism (IRM)  process was outlined a year ago, and made more formally  in the just-issued Articles of Governance, but […]

  • 27 April 2012

    OGP Budget $1.5 Million Through October 2011

    The Open Government Partnership plans to spend almost $1.5 million ($1,497,563) in its first year of operation, according to a recently posted budget. Much of that amount, 46 percent ($696,000), was, or will be, dispersed to other organizations, according to the budget, with the rest going primarily to OGP staff salaries and travel expenses. About […]

  • 27 April 2012

    Commentaries Mostly Positive in Wake of OGP Meeting

    In the week after the Open Government Partnership meeting in Brazil April 18-19 a number of articles have appeared with reflections on the conference, largely favorable but sometimes raising issues such as government accountability and civil society participation. Canadian blogger David Eaves wrote that the carrot of membership is working, but wondered about the stick. […]

  • 19 April 2012

    OGP Conference Ends With Enthusiasm, Planning

    The Open Government Partnership meeting in Brazil concluded April 18 with new leaders praising the energy shown during two busy days on panel discussions and interactions and looking to the future of the fast-growing institution. Founded officially seven months ago in September 2012, the OGP is composed of nations who agree to make commitments that […]

  • 19 April 2012

    CSOs Hold Session to Plan OGP-Related Activities

    “Welcome to a work in progress,” began Warren Krafchik. The new co-chair of the Open Government Partnership, representing civil society, was addressing a room filled with about 150 civil society group representatives, his constituency, who had come to Brazil for the OGP’s first conference. The two-hour meeting was held after the end of the final […]

  • 18 April 2012

    OGP Adopts Governance Articles, Disclosure Policy

    By Toby McIntosh The Open Governance Partnership Steering Committee has set the structural framework for the future of the unusual multilateral organization run by governments and civil society organizations. In new Articles of Governance, the OGP describes how the organization will evolve from being  run by its founders to being a much-expanded organization with elected leaders. […]

  • 17 April 2012

    OGP Plans Working Group to Draft Meeting Outcomes

    The Brazilian co-chair of the Open Government Partnership, Jorge Hage, during his opening remarks April 17 at the OGP conference in Brazil, will invite volunteers to serve on a “Working Group on Meeting Outcomes.” “This group will sit in on the various plenary, breakout and exhibition sessions throughout the meeting, take note of key highlights […]

  • 16 April 2012

    Krafchik Named Co-Chair; Tanzania Fills OGP Slot

    The Open Government Partnership Steering Committee April 16 approved the creation of a third co-chairman, to represent the nine civil society organizations on the committee. Warren Krafchik, of the International Budget Partnership, who has been a Steering Committee member from the beginning, will serve in the new position. In addition, the Steering Committee filled a […]

  • 16 April 2012

    OGP Tent in Brazil to House Multi-Faceted 800 Attendees

    “This feels like a transparency festival,” remarked a civil society activist as she greeted colleagues from other organizations at the Brasilia, Brazil, airport. The organizers of the Open Government Partnership conference being held April 17-18 now expect attendance of about 800. Government delegations from the 54 OGP member nations (this just in, 55 with Russia) […]

  • 10 April 2012

    OGP Steering Committee Agenda Features Governance

    By Toby McIntosh The adoption of “Articles of Governance” is a major topic on the agenda of the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee meeting April 16 in Brasilia, Brazil, according to the agenda released April 10. As the agenda was announced, a key State Department official working on OGP said in a Twitter post that […]

  • 6 April 2012

    OGP Prepares for Brazil Conference; Serbia Joins

    About 440 persons are expected to attend the Open Government Partnership conference in Brazil April 17-18. Only a few national action plans have emerged in advance of the meeting, but  more than 40 will be unveiled during the two days of meetings in Brasilia. For the agenda, plus a list of side events and participants, […]