Posts Tagged ‘open government partnership’

  • 18 September 2012

    Russia Launches Web Portal About Open Government

    By Nate Jones Jones is the Freedom of Information Coordinator at the National Security Archive who is also currently working with the Freedom of Information Foundation in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The government of the Russian Federation has launched its “Open Government” web portal to inform and solicit advice from its citizens as it attempts “to […]

  • 14 September 2012

    Open Data, FOI Communities Show Signs of Convergence

    By Toby McIntosh Small signs are signaling the emergence of more cooperation between two transparency communities – one focused on open data, the other on access to information – whose relationship has been hampered by cultural differences and distinct agendas, according to interviews with activists in both camps. The cultural differences, in part the […]

  • 7 September 2012

    OGP Nearing New Personnel as Anniversary Approaches

    With its first birthday on the horizon, the Open Government Partnership is surveying member governments about their OGP-related activities and new personnel announcements are expected soon. The OGP Steering Committee is nearing the selction of a new executive director, a director of the Independent Review Mechanism process and the eight members of the panel that will […]

  • 23 August 2012

    OGP Reviewing 60 Names to Serve on IRM Expert Panel

    The Open Government Partnership has compiled a list of over 60 names of persons to serve on the body that will oversee the Independent Review Mechanism, according to the minutes of OGP’s Governance and Leadership Subcommittee (GL) teleconference held on Aug. 17. The list has been forwarded to the OGP Steering Committee for comments by […]

  • 21 August 2012

    OGP Seeks Comments on Two-Year Strategic Plan

    The Open Government Partnership Aug. 21 requested public comments on a two-year strategic plan built around two key elements “strengthening the core” and “maintaining vibrancy.” The 14-page document begins with descriptions of OGP “values” and “the OGP offer.” It then proceeds to outline short-term and long-term goals and to discuss “measures of success.” Numerous goals and […]

  • 17 August 2012

    South Korea Submits OGP Plans; Others Missing

    South Korea has submitted its Open Government partnership action plan, making commitments largely in the areas of providing more online information and increasing citizen involvement in decision-making. A  nine-point  Macedonian plan also has been posted. The publication of  these plans means that 46 action plans have been submitted by the 57 OGP member countries. Four of […]

  • 17 August 2012

    Russian Foundation Launches Russian OGP Website

    By Nate Jones Jones is the Freedom of Information Coordinator at the National Security Archive who is also currently working with the Freedom of Information Foundation in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Freedom of Information Foundation, a Russian civil society group, has launched the website to provide Russians with Russian language information about the Open […]

  • 16 August 2012

    Mexico Expands OGP Commitments in New Plan

    The Mexican government has expanded its Open Government Partnership national action plan beyond the first one created last September, incorporating more suggestions from civil society. The Expanded Action Plan (in English) presented during a press conference in Mexico City June 6 includes 36 commitments to advance transparency and accountability that must be met by September 2012. “The […]

  • 16 August 2012

    Russian Group Suggests Ideas for OGP Action Plan

    The Freedom of Information Foundation in Russia has advanced an extensive list of ideas for the government to include in the national action plan to be prepared in light of its membership in the Open Government Partnership. Russia joined the OGP in April. FIF suggested a variety of “organizational measures” such as establishing a body to […]

  • 9 August 2012

    OGP to Survey Members on Implementation Efforts

    The Open Government Partnership will soon be checking in with participating governments on implementation of their national action plans and engaging with governments that have not yet submitted plans. A survey is being prepared that among other things will ask for a description of “at least one area of progress and on challenge your government […]

  • 6 August 2012

    South Africa Yet to Approve OGP National Action Plan

    South Africa, a founding member of the Open Government Partnership and a member of the Steering Committee, has yet to approve its national action plan, the cornerstone commitment document for OGP members. Last September, South African President Jacob Zuma joined leaders from the other eight founding OGP members to announce their action plans in New […]

  • 3 August 2012

    Hungary to Join OGP; Member Number 57

    Hungary has notified the Open Government Partnership that it will join the multilateral organization, becoming its 57th member. Like other members, Hungary will prepare a national action plan, and an OGP spokesperson said it would be done by the end of the year. A working group of civil society organizations, including K-Monitor Watchdog for Public […]

  • 30 July 2012

    OGP Requests Nominations to Serve on IRM Panel

    The Open Government Partnership July 24 issued its official call for nominations of persons to serve on the eight-member international expert panel that will oversee the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM). The IRM panel will direct the process through which OPP members’ action plans will be reviewed. It will be composed of five technical/policy experts and […]

  • 30 July 2012

    Information Technology Leads OGP Commitments

    Information technology projects are the most popular commitments made by countries in their national action plans submitted as members of the Open Government Partnership, according to a new analysis by Global Integrity. The Washington-based nongovernment organization, which also leads the OGP’s Networking Mechanism, categorized the 45 available action plans using 53 subject tags. The two […]

  • 26 July 2012

    OGP May Delay London Meeting Until October

    The leadership of the Open Government Partnership is considering moving the annual meeting from March to October, according to recently released subcommittee notes, which also indicate the OGP is reviewing a new “Strategic Plan.” The possible new time for the meeting, to be held in London, is one of numerous procedural and policy matters referenced in […]

  • 25 July 2012

    CSOs Begin Discussion of OGP Rotation, Voting Rules

    The civil society community of the Open Government Partnership is reexamining the planned system for electing civil society members to the OGP Steering Committee. The OGP civil society coordinator, Paul Maassen, has invited comments from civil society on the mechanism by which the current nine civil society members of the Steering Committee will rotate off the […]

  • 25 July 2012

    OGP Clarifies Suspension Process in Revised Articles

    The Open Government Partnership has decided that disciplinary action could be taken after three years if a member acts contrary to the OGP process or to the commitments made in its national action plan. Despite having established a mechanism for suspension, such action by the Steering Committee is not considered likely. Discipline is seen as […]

  • 20 July 2012

    OGP Seeks IRM Comment; Finland Makes 56 Members

    The Open Government Partnership, one member larger with the addition of Finland, is seeking public comment on its system for reviewing country action plans. The OGP also is conducting a survey on civil society participation in the OGP process and planning to hold a consultation about how to rotate the civil society members on the OGP […]

  • 20 July 2012

    FOI Notes: Research Calls, Grants, Job Opening, Reports

    Open Data: The Web Foundation and International Development Research Centre are seeking proposals for “exploring the emerging impacts of open data in the south.”  They want research proposals from specified southern countries by Sept. 10  “that address current gaps in the evidence base underlying the implementation of open data initiatives in the developing world, and […]

  • 13 July 2012

    OGP Summer: Mauldin at Helm, IRM Process Plans

    The Open Government Partnership, now with a temporary director, is continuing to work on its plans for the Independent Review Mechanism and still appears to be interesting possible new members. Libya, Tunisia, Nigeria, Rwanda and Zambia have started to explore whether to join by talking with existing members, according to notes from a recent meeting […]