Posts Tagged ‘open government partnership’

  • 19 September 2011

    Three More Countries Join OGP on Eve of Kick-Off

    Canada, Romania and Uruguay will round out the roster of 46 countries joining the Open Government Partnership, according to an OGP Twitter post late Sept. 19. In addition, the OGP has released the declaration that joining countries will sign and the steering committee has indicated it will take steps toward proactive disclosure and announce its […]

  • 16 September 2011

    43 Countries to Join Open Government Partnership

    With the only a few days to go before the Sept. 20 launch event, 43 countries have agreed to join the Open Government Partnership. The latest seven to appear on the official list are: the Czech Republic, El Salvador, Latvia, Peru, South Korea, Sweden and Ukraine. The list is: Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, […]

  • 14 September 2011

    Eight More Countries Join OGP; Aguino Plan Criticized

    Eight more countries have indicated their intention to join the Open Government Partnership – Azerbaijan, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Jordan, Montenegro, Tanzania and Turkey. OGP membership now stands at 36. The OGP website lists 28 countries that have agreed to participate in addition to the eight founding members. The list is: Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, […]

  • 9 September 2011

    OGP Membership Now 28; More Still Expected to Join

    Twenty-eight countries have committed to participate in the Open Government Partnership and the list may grow by another dozen, according to informed sources. The official tally of countries having sent in a “letter of intent” was first made available early in the week of Sept. 5 and has been growing incrementally during the week. The Sept. […]

  • 8 September 2011

    Italy, Estonia Join OGP; Aguino Keynote Speaker

    Italy and Estonia have joined the list of countries joining the Open Government Partnership, according to information posted on the OGP website. The OGP also unveiled the agenda for the “Power of Open” conference to be held Sept. 20 in New York City, revealing that Philippines President Benigno Aguino, who is being criticized for holding […]

  • 6 September 2011

    Five More Countries Join OGP, Bringing Total to 22

    There are 22 countries are now committed to joining the Open Government Partnership, with the latest five additions being Bulgaria, Israel, Croatia, Mongolia and Lithuania, according to a U.S. State Department official. These countries join nine others whose names were disclosed last week and the eight original participants who are on the OGP steering committee. […]

  • 2 September 2011

    17 Countries Pledge to Join Open Government Partnership

    Nine countries plus the initial core group of eight have pledged to join the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a U.S. official told  Sept. 2, bringing total membership to 17. The nine countries that have sent in “letters of intent” are Kenya, Guatemala, Honduras, Albania, Macedonia, Malta, Georgia, Moldova and Slovakia. More letters are expected, […]

  • 25 August 2011

    OGP Members Begin Work on National Action Plans

    Efforts by the eight conveners of the Open Government Partnership to draft their national “action plans” are slowly emerging, according to a survey. However, in most countries the development of a plan does not appear to involve the wide public consultation called for in the “road map” for OGP aspirants to follow. In the […]

  • 16 August 2011

    U.S. Efforts to Write OGP Action Plan Criticized

    Consultations on a “National Action Plan” in conjunction with the multinational Open Government Partnership (OGP) have begun in the United States, but are being slighted for falling below the OGP’s consultation standards. The OGP is a U.S.-initiated multilateral effort to promote transparency internationally. Countries that join (eight so far) commit to prepare “concrete” national action […]

  • 8 August 2011

    OGP Invites Participation in New Networking Mechanism

    The Open Government Partnership has invited governments, civil society, private firms and others with expertise in open in government to participate in a “Networking Mechanism.” The Open Government Partnership is “a new multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen […]

  • 4 August 2011

    OGP Releases List of 79 Countries Eligible to Join

    The Open Government Partnership has published the names of the 79 countries eligible to join, and their qualifying scores. The list is now available on the OGP website under the “More Documents” heading. The site also includes an explanation of the criteria and the scoring. The spreadsheet does not include the scoring for the countries […]

  • 15 July 2011

    Eight Countries to Join Open Government Partnership

    Eight governments have indicated their intention to join the Open Government Partnership, according to Maria Otero, U.S. Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs. Speaking at a reception following the July 12 kick-off event in Washington, Otero listed Kenya, Honduras, Mongolia, Chile, Uruguay, Thailand, Liberia and Canada. They would join eight other countries who […]

  • 12 July 2011

    India Withdraws From Open Government Partnership

    By Toby McIntosh On the eve of the kick-off event for the Open Government Partnership, India dropped out, but the show went on, with enthusiastic pro-transparency speeches at a day-long event at the U.S. State Department in Washington. The unexpected pull-out by a country with an international reputation for its strong right to information law […]

  • 8 July 2011

    OGP Initiative Envisions National Action Plans

    By Toby McIntosh Organizers of the Open Government Partnership hope that more than 55 countries will be motivated by a kick-off event in Washington July 12 to prepare pro-transparency “action plans.” The action plans, to be drafted with public input, would be unveiled in early September in New York when  heads of state gather for […]

  • 6 July 2011

    Obama Transparency Effort Seeks National Commitments

    By Toby McIntosh The United States will host a multinational meeting July 12 at which representatives from more than 50 countries will discuss ways to bring more openness to their nations. Sixteen categories of transparency will be put on the table, according to pre-meeting materials obtained by The eventual goal is for individual countries to pledge […]

  • 10 June 2011

    U.S. to Host July Meeting of Open Government Effort

    The United States on July 12 will host a meeting of the now nine-nation Open Government Partnership, at which time the coalition is expected to reveal more about the effort. Maria Otero, Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs, is the primary U.S. representative for the coalition, announced by President Obama last year (See previous […]

  • 22 April 2011

    Brazil Agrees to Co-Chair International FOI Effort

    Brazil has agreed to be the co-chair with the United States of an international effort to encourage freedom of information, a plan that has been in the making since it was broached last fall by President Obama. No official announcement has been made of the co-chairmanship of what is being called the Open Government Partnership […]

  • 23 September 2010

    At UN, Obama Seeks Transparency Commitments

    President Barack Obama Sept. 23, speaking to the United Nations General Assembly, called for “specific commitments to promote transparency.” His proposal came after he spoke about the need for open societies, open government, and accountability. He then stated: “In all parts of the world, we see the promise of innovation to make government more open […]