Posts Tagged ‘international development’
23 June 2014
WRI Criticizes UNEP Pilot Access to Information Policy
The pilot access to information policy recently issued by the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) “falls far short of providing true transparency,” according to the World Resources Institute. UNEP issued its pilot policy last week. (See report.) The policy, which was not released in draft form for comment, is to be the subject a […]
16 August 2013
Kenya Debating Transparency of Natural Resource Contracts
Very few countries disclose the contracts made with private companies to develop natural resources, but pressure for more transparency has been on the rise, as is now on display in Kenya. The Kenyan government recently cancelled contracts with mining companies over questions about their adequacy and transparency. The International Monetary Fund had been pressuring Kenya to disclose […]
31 May 2013
UN Panel Includes RTI, Better Data as Development Goals
A high-level panel charged by the United Nations with drafting a post-2015 development agenda has included the better use of data and right to information in its report. Under Goal 10, “Ensure Good Governance and Effective Institutions,” it proposes the objective: “Guarantee the public’s right to information and access to government data.” RTI is listed […]
14 January 2013
United Kingdom to Stress Transparency on G-8 Agenda
By Toby McIntosh Transparency has been designated as a special theme of this year’s G-8 meeting by the host country, the United Kingdom, making civil society organizations hopeful of better transparency for the operations of the G-8 itself. The eight largest developed nations have made uneven progress toward more transparency in recent years, according to critical CSOs. […]
21 February 2011
Implementation of FOI Law Found Lacking in Indonesia
More than two years after passage of the Indonesian Freedom of Information Act, a new study says that implementation efforts are lacking. The study of one province, Nusa Tenggara Timur, was conducted through Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA) in collaboration with Article 19, TIFA and PIAR NTT. The assessment was funded by the Government of […]
24 December 2010
IFC Issues Redrafted Disclosure Policy Proposal
The World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, has issued a new proposal on access to information that continues to be more restrictive than the World Bank’s own new policy. During “Phase III” of its consultations, the IFC is organizing general and thematic consultations in different parts of the world. Phase III […]
23 December 2010
EBRD Beginning Review of Public Information Policy
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced plans to review its Public Information Policy (PIP). The Bank indicated that it is requesting comments on its existing policy by the end of January and later will conduct a series of stakeholder consultations. After receiving comments, due Jan. 28, 2011, the EBRD said it […]
10 September 2010
FOI Notes: Blair on FOI, World Bank on Land
Blair’s Actions on FOI Exposed: An article by Maurice Frankel, published by the Campaign for Freedom of Information, discusses former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair’s obstruction of freedom of information, as disclosed in his just-published memoir. Although Blair says his views are based on experience of FOI in practice, the article says it is clear […]
9 September 2010
Legal Impediments Seen to Accessing Government Data
Legal challenges face the burgeoning efforts to make government data more available, according to a draft report by Access Info Europe and the Open Knowledge Foundation. The 97-page report comprehensively surveys the accelerating “open data” movement and describes related weaknesses in existing right to know laws. Supporters of better access to information laws and activists on […]
3 September 2010
Lebanese CSOs React to Disclosure of Strategy
It’s still early days for the World Bank’s new policy of disclosing certain documents in advance of Executive Board meetings, so lessons about it are just trickling in. The policy gives interested parties a last chance to comment on upcoming decisions, but the window of opportunity is small, as some Lebanese civil society organizations learned […]
1 April 2010
IDB Governors Raise Bar for New Transparency Policy
The Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank on March 21 made several commitments to improve transparency at the IDB. The Board’s statements go slightly beyond those contained in a recently proposed outline of potential changes to the disclosure policy. Just before the Board meeting in Cancun, Mexico, the IDB released a “Policy Profile” that …
2 December 2009
World Bank Cautious on Media Development
The goal of strengthening the media as one way to fight corruption was adopted by the World Bank in 2006, but the promise has gone virtually unfulfilled, according to research by
20 October 2009
New Report on Aid Transparency: Not Available! Not Accessible!
Madrid, Spain — Transparency NGO Access Info Europe released a report on October 20 entitled “Not Available! Not Accessible!” to coincide with the opening of the International Aid Transparency Initiative’s conference of donors and recipient governments in the Hague. The report shows how donor governments are failing to make available the information needed to prevent corruption in […]
17 March 2009
International Donors Engage Vietnam on Press Freedom
International donors are encouraging the Vietnamese government to improve the environment for the media there after a widely condemned year of repression. Whether the unusual behind-the-scenes pressure makes a difference remains to be seen, but the coordinated action may be a precursor to further international pressure on this front, long considered highly sensitive. International donors […]
24 September 2008
Bank Report Relates Media and Development
Broadcasting, Voice, and Accountability: A Public Interest Approach to Policy, Law, and Regulation, a World Bank project, is a multi-author, book-length treatment that examines the relationship of the media to governance and development. The report also explores “the enabling environment for the media,” with special emphasis on “promoting plural and independent broadcasting.” The book is […]
17 July 2006
UNDP Seminar Spotlights Complexity of Expanding Right to Know
By Toby McIntosh Fostering the right to know in developing countries requires multi-faceted, flexible strategies, according to the minutes of a May 2006 seminar sponsored by the United Nations Development Program. The 31 seminar participants, with practical experience in many parts of the world, reviewed the impediments to improving government transparency and shared insights on […]
22 March 2006
Freedom of Information Laws Added to the Development Agenda
By Toby McIntosh Riding a wave of transparency, the idea of encouraging Freedom of Information (FOI) laws as part of the development agenda is gaining currency, but slowly. With research and case studies increasingly identifying transparency as a key tool in fighting corruption and facilitating development, more attention is being paid to the development of […]
1 June 2005
Sen. Lugar Stresses Transparency in MDB Replenishment Legislation
The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Richard Lugar (R-Ind), has made transparency reforms the central focus of legislation that also would authorize U.S. contributions to five multilateral development banks. Lugar’s bill contains instructions to the U.S. representatives at the five institutions, including the World Bank, and tells them to support several […]
21 July 2004
ADB Holds Consultation in Washington
The deadline for the Asian Development Bank to rewrite its disclosure has been pushed back for a second time, with completion now targeted for March 2004. This was one bit of news from ADB officials during a June 21 consultation with about 30 persons about the draft disclosure policy held in Washington, D.C. After introductions […]
9 June 2004
ADB at Midway Point in Consultations on Disclosure Policy
The Asian Development Bank is now about midway through its consultations concerning its proposals to change its disclosure policies. In a second report on the consultations, covered the May 13 and 14 sessions in Hanoi. The story highlights a wide range of comments; including opposition from nongovernmental organizations to secrecy for sensitive information, resistance […]