Posts Tagged ‘historical memory’

  • 14 January 2010

    Argentina: La Desclasificación de Documentos Militares sobre Derechos Humanos

    Por Carlos Osorio Buenos Aires, Argentina — El 5 de enero de 2010, la Presidenta Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner emitió el Decreto 4/2010 que levanta la clasificación de todos los documentos militares relacionados con las actividades de las fuerzas armadas entre 1976 y 1983. El decreto fue incitado a partir de miles de solicitudes dirigidas […]

  • 14 January 2010

    Argentina: Declassification of Military Records on Human Rights

    By Carlos Osorio (Disponible en español) Buenos Aires, Argentina — On January 5, 2010, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner issued Decree 4/2010 lifting the classification of all military records related to activities of the armed forces between 1976 and 1983. The decree was prompted by thousands of requests to the Ministry of Defense coming from hundreds […]

  • 27 May 2009

    Developments in Brazil

    President Lula da Silva Sends Draft FOI Bill to Congress National Archive Launches Website with Historical Records from Dictatorship Recent developments in Brazil have fueled a growing debate on open government, historical memory, and truth and justice initiatives in the country. On May 13, 2009, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva sent a long-awaited draft […]

  • 2 February 2009

    Revelations from Prime Minister Aso on Wartime POW Labor Demonstrate Need for National Archive in Japan

    Controversy Highlights Issues of Historical Memory in Japan By Lawrence Repeta [Editor’s note: This article has been reprinted with permission of the author and first appeared in The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus.] Prime Minister Aso Taro’s admission that his family company employed prisoner-of-war labor during the final months of World War II may one day […]

  • 30 January 2008

    Foreign Ministry’s Failure to Provide Documents on 1965 Japan-Korea Normalization Pact Illegal

    By Lawrence Repeta,  Omiya Law School Tokyo, Japan — More than six decades after the end of World War II, responsibility for wartime suffering remains a highly sensitive political issue in Asia, nowhere more so than in the Japan-Korea relationship. When the two countries normalized relations in 1965, one treaty provision was intended to settle […]

  • 21 January 2003

    BULGARIA: Dispute Erupts over Andreev Archive

    The Bulgarian online news resource, reports that the Sofia police, on orders of the district governor, have helped the newly formed State Commission on Information Security take over the offices of the so-called Andreev Commission, which was set up after the fall of communism to look into the dossiers compiled by the communist special […]