Posts Tagged ‘disclosure policy’
19 March 2015
FOI Notes: United Nations, United States, Brazil, Pakistan, World Bank, Open Data
FOIA Implementation: A working paper, “Right to Information: Identifying Drivers of Effectiveness in Implementation,” by Stephanie E. Trapnell and Victoria Lemieux, describes the World Bank’s multi-faceted approach to measuring implementation. United Nations: The UN Statistical Commission’s initial assessment of the still provisionally proposed indicators for an access-to-information target in the UN’s new Sustainable Development Goals. The first […]
4 September 2014
FOI Notes: Open Contracting, World Bank Report, FOI Fees, Research, Odd Documents, Reports
Open Contracting: The Open Contracting Partnership announces the Beta Release of the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS). World Bank Study: The World Bank will hold an e-webinar on Sept. 10 at 10 a.m. EST on a forthcoming report concerning RTI requests and appeals. Register here. Fees: An Irish government report on FOI fees includes research on […]
3 May 2012
AfDB Directors Approve New Disclosure Policy
The African Development Bank Board of Directors on May 2 approved a new policy on disclosure and access to information. The policy, available in English and French, will be made effective in nine months. The policy does not appear to be changed from a March draft on which the AfDB requested comments. (See previous […]
13 March 2012
World Bank Reports on Year One of Disclosure Policy
The World Bank has issued a statistics-filled report on the first year of what it now calls its “radical” disclosure policy, which went into effect in July 2010. The amount of information available increased, as did the numbers of requests, the Bank shows. Almost 90 percent (89.1) percent of 705 public access requests were fulfilled […]
9 August 2011
GTI Submits Comments to African Development Bank
The Global Transparency Initiative Aug. 9 provided comments to the African Development Bank on its proposed new policy on access to information. GTI welcomed the commitment by the Bank to move to a proper presumption of disclosure and to establish both internal and external appeals mechanisms to review refusals to provide access. At the same […]
5 August 2011
EBRD Issues New Public Information Policy
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has posted its new Public Information Policy. The site also includes Report on Public Consultations, which is a 16-page table of public comments and EBRD responses. The policy is to be effective Nov. 1. The Russian version of the Public Information Policy will be available on the EBRD website […]
22 July 2011
GTI Challenges ADB to Improve Disclosure Plan
The Global Transparency Initiative is urging the Asian Development Bank to improve its draft Public Communications Policy (PCP), saying it “now has a chance to jump ahead of the World Bank.” Addressing issues raised by GTI “would place the ADB at the forefront of IFIs in terms of adhering to the international standards regarding the […]
4 May 2011
AfDB Agrees to Consult on New Disclosure Policy
The African Development Bank Board of Directors has decided to seek public input on a proposal to revise its 2005 disclosure policy, according sources close to the process and a May 2 letter from AfDB President Donald Kaberuka to the Global Transparency Initiative. The decision to hold consultations came at an informal meeting of the AfDB board […]
28 April 2011
AfDB Aims for Fast Action on Draft Disclosure Policy
The African Development Bank has developed a draft disclosure policy and appears to be on a fast-track to adopt it, without a consultation period. The Global Transparency Initiative April 27 urged the Bank to establish a public consultation process for a yet-unreleased proposal. The Board was scheduled to discuss the policy April 29 and possibly […]
31 March 2011
Obama Talks Transparency With Activists in Oval Office
Open government activists who met with President Obama March 28 for an unprecedented talk later described the 20-minute conversation in positive terms. In three accounts by those present, the president was described as “clearly engaged” and enthusiastic about making more progress on transparency. The president was given an award for his commitment to transparency, although the […]
25 March 2011
Niger Government Issues Access to Information Policy
The transitional government in Niger has issued a “Charte d’accès à l’information publique et aux documents administratifs” on access to information. Although the document lacks the force of law, it is being viewed as a positive step toward more transparency, instructing administrative bodies on releasing information. The move was announced in advance of upcoming presidential […]
4 February 2011
CEE Bankwatch Urges More EBRD Disclosures
The CEE Bankwatch Network has submitted comments making suggestions for improving disclosure at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The Bank in December sought comments on its existing public information policy (PIP). (See previous story.) The next stage will be preparation of a draft proposal. A top priority for the CEE Bankwatch, a […]
28 January 2011
GTI Recommends Changes to Draft ADB Openness Policy
The Global Transparency Initiative (GTI) explained its proposals to improve the second draft of the Public Communications Policy (PCP) prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) during a workshop in Manila Jan. 24 with key stakeholders, including senior ADB representatives. The ADB Board of Directors is scheduled to consider the draft PCP on Feb. 16. […]
21 January 2011
World Bank Sets Rules on Public Interest Review
The World Bank Access to Information Committee has determined that the World Bank staffers, not the committee, will make the calls on requests for documents under five years old when the requester argues that disclosure is in the public interest notwithstanding valid justifications for nondisclosure. For documents over five years old, however, the committee will […]
10 January 2011
GTI Makes Suggestions on ADB Draft Policy
The second draft of the proposed Public Communications Policy by the Asian Development Bank still needs improvement, according to comments submitted by the Global Transparency Initiative. While there have been come positive alterations, the regime of exceptions remains too narrow and the ADB needs to take more responsibility for ensuring access by affected people, according […]
24 December 2010
IFC Issues Redrafted Disclosure Policy Proposal
The World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, has issued a new proposal on access to information that continues to be more restrictive than the World Bank’s own new policy. During “Phase III” of its consultations, the IFC is organizing general and thematic consultations in different parts of the world. Phase III […]
23 December 2010
EBRD Beginning Review of Public Information Policy
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced plans to review its Public Information Policy (PIP). The Bank indicated that it is requesting comments on its existing policy by the end of January and later will conduct a series of stakeholder consultations. After receiving comments, due Jan. 28, 2011, the EBRD said it […]
22 December 2010
World Bank Issues Report on First Months of New Policy
The World Bank’s first report on its new Access to Information policy recounts a major internal education effort, reviews the levels of requests, and reveals some of the first interpretations of the policy since it went into effect July 1. The early interpretations indicate a willingness to consider redacting material so as to protect certain […]
2 December 2010
ADB Issues Second Draft of Proposed Disclosure Policy
By Toby McIntosh The Asian Development Bank Nov. 26 proposed to release more documents prior to Executive Board meetings than previously proposed and to create an appeals body for disclosure requestors. The ADB’s second draft revision of its public communications policy would somewhat expand the “simultaneous disclosure” policy, under which certain documents are made public […]
5 November 2010
WB Pledged to Disclose Extinct Meeting Summaries
By Toby McIntosh In the spring of 2009, in the midst of consultations about a new disclosure policy for the World Bank, pro-transparency advocates urged the Bank to disclose the “Summaries of Discussion” prepared for many years about the meetings of the Bank’s Executive Board. The summaries, for internal use only, described what was said […]