Search Results

  • 4 August 2011

    OGP Releases List of 79 Countries Eligible to Join

    The Open Government Partnership has published the names of the 79 countries eligible to join, and their qualifying scores. The list is now available on the OGP website under the “More Documents” heading. The site also includes an explanation of the criteria and the scoring. The spreadsheet does not include the scoring for the countries […]

  • 29 July 2011

    FOI Blog Roll List of FOI-Related Blogs The editors welcome suggestions to expand this list. To qualify for this list, the blog or website needs to be pretty active and significantly focused on the subject of access to information whether it is called freedom of information (FOI), right to know (RTK), right to information (RTI). List […]

  • 27 June 2011

    FOI Notes: South Asia, United States, OECD Report

    South Asia:  A new book, “Transparent Governance in South Asia,” published by the Indian Institute of Public Administration, provides detailed historical articles on the right to access movements in the region.  The chapters cover: –       Evolution of RTI Act 2009 in Bangladesh, –       RTI Law Implementation in Bangladesh –       RTI in Bhutan: A Background Note […]

  • 6 May 2011

    FOI Notes: Research Motherload, and More

    Research:  More than five dozen papers have just been posted that will be presented at the 1st Global Conference on Transparency Research, to be held May 19-20 at Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. Titles include: Bertoni, Eduardo: Freedom of Information. Three harmless words? The role of the media and access to information laws Fumega, Silvana […]

  • 4 April 2011

    New Advisory Body Formed on South Asia RTI Issues

    A new 16-person body, the South Asia Advisers on the Right to Information, was formed during a two-day long convention in Kathmundu, Nepal, from March 27- 29. Made up of chief information officers, RTI activists and others, the group will discuss “transparency law, norms for information commissions, and capacity building among government officials, media and […]

  • 15 October 2010

    World Bank Releases Few Summaries of Meetings

    By Toby McIntosh The “summaries” of World Bank Executive Board meetings now being disclosed under the Bank’s new Access to Information policy are substantially shorter and less comprehensive than the summaries prepared before the Bank agreed to release them, according to a review. In addition, the Bank has not disclosed summaries for all the Board meetings […]

  • 26 May 2009

    Secret Summaries of World Bank Meetings Illuminate Proceedings

      The “minutes” of the World Bank’s executive board meetings, released publicly, are brief notations of the official action, usually one paragraph.  They reveal almost nothing about what transpired during the closed deliberations. The “summaries,” by contrast, describe the key points of discussion.  They condense, without names, the comments made by the executive directors. The […]

  • 21 April 2009

    Disclosure Allegations about the West African Gas Pipeline Project

    In 2006, a case was brought to the Inspections Panel over the controversial West African Gas Pipeline Project. The list of disclosure-related allegations was extensive. According to the complainants, although West African Gas Pipeline Company (WAPCo) periodically consulted landowners, other stakeholders were wrongly excluded and the overwhelming majority of our people were not consulted during […]

  • 17 March 2009

    World Bank Rejects Disclosure of Aide Memoires

    The World Bank has rejected a request by a civil society group for a key document about a major water project in the Punjab province of Pakistan.   The denial is not unexpected — it follows the letter of the Bank’s disclosure policy — but is very frustrating to Mushtaq Gaadi, who works with an […]

  • 17 March 2009

    Hello, Hello: Calling the World Bank

    Finding the World Bank’s front door in order to ask for nonpublic information isn’t easy.  Here’s the right answer: Value that answer; getting it took a while. Here’s my saga. Actually, I started in the right place and then got more and more confused. When I first wrote I asked simply if they […]

  • 28 September 2006

    International Right to Know Day 2006

    International Right to Know Day was established to mark the founding on 28 September 2002 of the global Freedom of Information Advocates Network. The 4th International Right to Know Day is being celebrated in 2006. The aim of Right to Know Day is to raise awareness of every individual’s right of access to government-held information: […]

  • 21 July 2004

    ADB Announces Grants for Civil Society Participation in Government Processes

    The Asian Development Bank July 2 announced a $400,000 technical assistance grant to “help make public service delivery more responsive to the poor by promoting greater civil society participation in resource allocation and budgeting.” The grant will go to selected regions of three countries, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The areas for the pilot projects […]