
What's New

  • 15 December 2015

    Colombia Study Scores Implementation of Law

    A new study in Colombia has rated government compliance with the new access to information law. Performance measured 39.7 points on a scale of 100, according to the index (in Spanish) created by Project Antonio Nariño. The 2015 Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Index assesses four main dimensions, one which is access to […]

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  • 22 January 2015

    Colombian President Signs Decree Implementing Law

    Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos on Jan. 20 signed a decree implementing the Transparency and Access to Information Act (Law 1712) approved by Congress in early 2014. Santos said in a declaration that he wants 2015 to be the year of peace and also of fighting against corruption. He invited every Colombian citizen to use […]

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News Archive

  • 7 March 2014

    Colombia President Signs Information Access Law

    President Juan Manuel Santos March 6 signed a new access to information law in Colombia saying it will help fight corruption. It will come into effect in six months for national government agencies and in a year for local governments. The law in May of 2013 was approved by the constitutional court with a few […]

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  • 17 May 2013

    Colombian Law Approved by Court, With Exceptions

    Colombia’s public information law has passed constitutional muster, subject to a few conditions. The Constitutional Court said the new law is now ready for presidential approval, according to articles here, here and here (in Spanish).. Text is available from the court. Type “acceso” in the browser to locate the text of the law and the comments by […]

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  • 10 January 2013

    National Security Exemptions Stir Controversy in Colombia

    By Michael Evans Evans is a staff member at the National Security Archive. In the coming days, Colombia’s Constitutional Court will decide the fate of the country’s new transparency law. The version of the Ley de Acesso (Access Law) that emerged from the legislative process last year has stirred up heated debate in Colombia, mainly […]

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  • 27 July 2012

    Access to Information in Colombia: 124 Years Later

    By Natalia Torres Torres is Senior Researcher at the Center for Studies on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information  (CELE) in Argentina, and regular contributor. See this article Spanish. If one were to set out to make a genealogy of the right to know movement in Latin America, the story begins with Policy […]

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  • 27 July 2012

    Acceso a la información en Colombia: 124 años después

    Por Natalia Torres Investigadora Principal del CELE Si uno quisiera realizar una genealogía del derecho a saber en América Latina la historia comenzaría con el Código de Organización Política y Municipal que Colombia adoptó en 1888. El código permitía que los ciudadanos solicitaran documentos públicos a organismos gubernamentales salvo que alguna ley dispusiera lo contrario. Ciento […]

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  • 29 July 2011

    Colombia: ATI Movement Rolls Out Draft FOI Bill

    By Michael Evans Director, Colombia Documentation Project, National Security Archive For more than two years, a coalition of transparency advocates in Colombia has been developing draft language for what might someday become the country’s first right to information law. The full text of the proposed access law, along with a detailed statement of purpose from […]

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  • 31 December 2010

    Andean Group Evaluating Freedom of Information

    The Andean Group of Freedom of Information (GALI) has begun a project to evaluate national legislation on freedom of expression and access to information.   GALI plans to identify the strengths and weaknesses freedom of expression of laws in each of the five countries — Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela — in order to identify […]

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  • 7 October 2009

    Saber Mas: New Report on Access to Information in Latin America

    Open government advocates offer first-hand accounts of FOI promotion in Latin America Latin America’s leading open government advocates recently released a report, bringing together data from 17 countries and offering new findings on the status of freedom of information in the region. The Regional Alliance for Freedom of Expression and Information (Alianza Regional para la […]

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Constitution (English)


Constitution (Spanish)


Right to Information Act (Spanish)


Implementing Decree (Spanish)


Law Ordering the Publicity of Official Acts and Documents (Spanish)




Transparencia por Columbia (Transparency for Colombia)



Measuring Openness

Global Right to Information Rating
A country-by-country rating of laws by the Centre for Democracy and Law and Access Info.

Freedom House
The Freedom in the World report.

World Bank
Worldwide Governance Indicators

Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index
Measures perceptions of the degree of corruption.

Reporters Without Borders
The Press Freedom Index.