
What's New

  • 29 September 2016

    Open Data and FOI: Complementary or Competitors?

    By Michael Cañares The author is Regional Research Manager at the Open Data Lab Jakarta This article was first posted Sept. 28 on the Web Foundation blog. The first paragraph is the Web Foundation introduction. Can open data improve people’s access to information? Michael Cañares, Regional Research Manager at the Open Data Lab Jakarta looks at […]

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  • 30 March 2016

    Indonesian Court Orders Release of Licensing Data

    Indonesia’s Supreme Court has ordered the Kutai Kartanegara district government to disclose “a vast trove of licensing data,” according to a MongaBay report on the case “The case had originated in the country’s Public Information Commission (KIP), which is increasingly being used by civil society to obtain data related to the extractive, agribusiness and forestry sectors,” according […]

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News Archive

  • 7 January 2016

    Indonesian Officials Urge Greater Transparency

    “The Central Information Commission (KIP) and President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo have called on all public institutions, local administration and state-owned companies to provide more access to their public information in order to build trust,” according to an article in The Jakarta Post. “If an openness to information becomes intrinsic to our attitude and culture, this […]

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  • 1 December 2015

    Transparency International Evaluates Five Countries

    Transparency International has completed studies of how well five countries perform concerning three “pillars of open governance: Transparency, Participation and Oversight.” The countries rated were Ghana, Indonesia, Peru, the Ukraine and the United Kingdom. The Berlin-based nongovernmental organization applied a methodology based on 35 open governance standards and a scorecard composed of 459 questions. The […]

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  • 8 June 2015

    Indonesian Regions Score Poorly in Transparency Study

    Transparency is poor among among regional governmental in Indonesia, according to a study by R. Alam Surya Putra, Senior Program Officer the Asia Foundation. Researchers sought access to government documents of relevance to land and forest governance issues “which should be available to the public under the Indonesia Freedom of Information Act. “ The report […]

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  • 5 August 2013

    Harvard Awarded $8.1 Million for Transparency Research

    Harvard University researchers have been awarded $8.1 million for a five-year project to research the impact of community transparency and accountability initiatives on health and other social sector outcomes, beginning in Indonesia and Tanzania. The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University announced that it […]

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  • 19 July 2013

    Indonesian Minister Denies Access to Concession Maps

    Indonesian Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya has determined that “concession maps” showing where companies have logging and agricultural rights are not publicly disclosable. Environmental activists say the maps can help determine who should be accountable for forest fires that recently have caused major haze problems. Questions are being raised not only about whether Kambuaya’s interpretation is […]

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  • 19 July 2013

    Indonesian FoI Commission Needs Strengthening

    By Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani The writer is a member of the Indonesian FoI Network. He has a PhD in law from the University of Dundee, UK. This article originally appeared in the Jakarta Post. The House of Representatives has elected seven members to the National Freedom of Information (FoI) Commission who will serve for the […]

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  • 4 May 2012

    Problems Found in Handling of RTI Requests in Indonesia

    A requesting exercise in Indonesia had only a 46 percent success rate, and generated some recommendations for administrators of the right to information law to address “significant problems.” The project was conducted by the Alliance of Independent Journalists and the Centre for Law and Democracy, who also conducted a workshop evaluating the experience. CLD and AJI held […]

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  • 12 March 2012

    Reports Critically Assess RTI Performance in Indonesia

    Two years after implementation of the Indonesian right to information law, several new reports look closely at how exemptions in the law are being handled and how three agencies are implementing the law. Government officials are still taking the same approach to disclosure as they did before the law, according to one report (English)  (Indonesian), […]

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  • 6 February 2012

    Indonesia Groups Appeal Denial of Water Agreement

    A group of Indonesian NGOs led by the People’s Coalition on the Right to Water (KRuHA) is appealing to the National Information Commission the government’s refusal to provide details about the privatization of the water utility in Jakarta. The groups have been seeking access to the agreement that provides the framework for the production and […]

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  • 16 December 2011

    Indonesia Pledges to Consult on Controversial Secrecy Bill

    The Indonesia government plans to discuss a controversial state secrecy bill with its opponents, according to a report in The Jakarta Globe. Under the bill, the disclosure of classified material is punishable by prison terms of three-four years plus fines, depending on the level of classification. Critics say the definition of what constitutes a state […]

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  • 22 September 2011

    Indonesian Action Plan Issued as Part of OGP Process

    The Indonesian “action plan” announced Sept. 20 as part of the Open Government Partnership aims to be execution-oriented, people-oriented and have a snowball effect, according to the words of the preamble. Indonesia is one of the founding members of the partnership, officially kicked off in New York City Sept. 20. (See overview.) The 46 […]

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  • 2 September 2011

    17 Countries Pledge to Join Open Government Partnership

    Nine countries plus the initial core group of eight have pledged to join the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a U.S. official told  Sept. 2, bringing total membership to 17. The nine countries that have sent in “letters of intent” are Kenya, Guatemala, Honduras, Albania, Macedonia, Malta, Georgia, Moldova and Slovakia. More letters are expected, […]

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  • 25 August 2011

    OGP Members Begin Work on National Action Plans

    Efforts by the eight conveners of the Open Government Partnership to draft their national “action plans” are slowly emerging, according to a survey. However, in most countries the development of a plan does not appear to involve the wide public consultation called for in the “road map” for OGP aspirants to follow. In the […]

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  • 1 July 2011

    Participants in Indonesian Training to Submit Requests

    Some 40 participants in a recent training session in Indonesia have agreed to each submit 10 requests under the Indonesian FOI law. The participants come from different civil society groups and will have support from the Centre for Law and Democracy, based in Halifax, Canada, and the Indonesian Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI). The commitment […]

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  • 2 May 2011

    Indonesian Commissioner Cites Limited Authority

    The Indonesian Central Information Commission (KIP) received 224 requests from citizens and corporations to settlement of information disputes between July 2010 and March 2011, according to an article in the Jakarta Post. The commission provided information in 22 disputes through mediation.  “Seven cases went through adjudication, but in only three of them were documents eventually […]

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  • 21 February 2011

    Implementation of FOI Law Found Lacking in Indonesia

    More than two years after passage of the Indonesian Freedom of Information Act, a new study says that implementation efforts are lacking. The study of one province, Nusa Tenggara Timur, was conducted through Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA) in collaboration with Article 19, TIFA and PIAR NTT.  The assessment was funded by the Government of […]

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  • 31 December 2010

    Researcher Identifies Concerns With New Indonesian Law

    A variety of concerns about the new Indonesian freedom of information law have been identified by Andrew Thornley, a specialist on democracy and governance with the Research Triangle Institute who has been researching the Indonesian experience. “… [W]orries center on the fact that while this may well be one of many sound laws and policies?, […]

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  • 19 November 2010

    Indonesian Commission Opens Access to Documents

    The Indonesian Central Information Commission (KIP) Nov. 15 granted access to materials on education that had been requested by an anti-corruption activist. The order was hailed as historic by the requester, Febri Hendri, senior researcher with Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), according to a report written by Bagus BT Saragih in The Jakarta Post. “This will […]

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The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945)


Public Information Disclosure Act (2008)



Komisi Informasi Republik Indonesia



Tifa Foundation


Institute for the Studies on Free Flow of Information (ISAI)


Informasi Publik, Hak Kita! Freedom of Information Network


The Sloka Institute



World Bank summary of RTI in Indonesia


University College of London background paper (2012)


Freedom of Information (FOI) and Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI): An Indonesian Experience (2012) -Cambodians for Resource Revenue Transparency (CRRT) Newsletter (2013)



Measuring Openness

Global Right to Information Rating
A country-by-country rating of laws by the Centre for Democracy and Law and Access Info.

Freedom House
The Freedom in the World report.

World Bank
Worldwide Governance Indicators

Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index
Measures perceptions of the degree of corruption.

Reporters Without Borders
The Press Freedom Index.