Search Results

  • 5 April 2016

    115 FOI Regimes; Count Shows

    The number of countries with freedom of information laws or similar administrative regulations stands at 115, according to’s running tally. The most recent additions to the list are Malawi, Vanuatu, Tanzania, Kenya, the Philippines, Sri Lanka,  Togo and Vietnam — all from 2016. The final versions text of the Malawi and Kenyan laws are not yet available. The Malawi and […]

  • 9 March 2016

    OGP Body Recommends Declaring Azerbaijan Inactive

    Azerbaijan should be declared an “inactive” member of the Open Government Partnership, an OGP subcommittee has recommended. Such a designation would be the first time the OGP has disciplined a member for not adhering to OGP principles. The recommendation will be taken up by the OGP Steering Committee May 3-4, according to the minutes of […]

  • 18 February 2016

    FOI Notes: Nigeria, Research, Open Data, Open Contracting, Much More, Even FOI Valentines

    Nigeria: In order to sensitize youths on their rights to access information from public institutions, the Lagos State chapter of the National Youth Service Corps inaugurates a new Community Development Service group — the Freedom of Information Act Club. United Kingdom: FOIA requests are more effective than informal inquiries, according to a new paper: “Transparency […]

  • 15 February 2016

    Where is transparency in the hype cycle?

    By Rupert Simons The author is the chief executive office of Publish What You Fund. This column first appeared Feb. 11, 20 2016 in the PWFP blog. Development fashions go through predictable stages. At first, breathless blog posts proclaim the idea: budget support, microfinance, laptops. Soon, governments and funders are jumping over themselves to adopt […]

  • 28 January 2016

    Malawi President Resists FOI Law, Seeks to Limit Use

    By Toby McIntosh Malawi’s President Peter Mutharika is insisting that access to information (ATI) legislation should not cover existing government information, saying the bill should only apply prospectively. His stance continues to delay passage of a long-promised ATI bill and runs counter to international norms. “Many followers of the Bill see this as merely a […]

  • 7 January 2016

    FOI Notes: US, UN, UK, Germany, Canada, Spain, Philippines, India, OGP, EU, Rwanda, Open Data

    United States: State Department Inspector General Steve Linick issues a report highly critical of the department’s handling of FOI requests. He says the department did not follow rules requiring searching email accounts when relevant records are likely maintained in these accounts. World Press Freedom Day: A registration page is now available or the May 2-4 […]

  • 19 November 2015

    UNEP Issues New Draft Access to Information Policy

    The United Nations Environmental Programme has issued a new draft access to information policy. UNEP invited comments on the new revised draft, which one expert from an environmental group called “much improved.” UNEP announced an informal dialogue on the subject to be held on Nov. 25 in Kenya, where UNEP is headquartered. The agency also published a […]

  • 12 November 2015

    UNESCO Committee OKs Designation of Sept. 28

    The Communications and Information Commission of UNESCO on Nov. 11 discussed and approved a proposal to designate Sept. 28 as International Day for the Universal Access to Information. The resolution is expected to be approved by the UNESCO General Conference during its meetings in Paris Nov. 3-18. Minutes from the committee meeting indicate that the […]

  • 6 November 2015

    FOI Notes: ECB, Trade Transparency, Open Data, Canada, India, UK, US, Brazil, Research

    European Union: The European Central Bank says it will publish the meeting schedules of its six Executive Board members on a monthly basis. The calendars will be released with a three-month time lag starting in February 2016, Bloomberg reports. Trade Transparency: The Washington Post creates the tool below to allow searches of the recently released […]

  • 28 September 2015

    Three More FOI Laws; Negativity Poses Challenges

    By Toby McIntosh The number of national freedom of information laws continues to grow, and at least 20 countries are considering passage of FOI laws, but threats to transparency laws are emerging. In the year since the last International Right to Know Day, three countries joined the list of now 104 countries with FOI regimes: […]

  • 27 September 2015

    New Report Evaluates Access in 15 African Countries

    The Africa Freedom of Information Centre has issued a 124-page report analyzing right to information in 15 countries, reporting problems implementing laws that exist and difficulties getting new laws passed. “Lack of transparency and corruption presents real threats to Africa’s vision of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa driven by its citizens and representing a […]

  • 22 September 2015

    UNEP to Revise Criticized Pilot Disclosure Policy

    The United Nations Environmental Programme has announced that it will write a second draft of its disclosure policy and invite public comments. The current “pilot policy” now in place for almost a year has been criticized by transparency campaigners, including at a one-day dialogue in June in Nairobi, Kenya. (See previous article.) UNEP has […]

  • 11 August 2015

    OGP Gives Australia Deadline to Draft National Action Plan

    By Toby McIntosh Australia’s lack of action as a member of the Open Government Partnership is “particularly concerning,” the OGP Steering Committee decided at a recent meeting. The Steering Committee set a new deadline for Australia “to recommit to OGP,” according to recently released minutes of the July 22-23 meeting. (See this page on the […]

  • 18 June 2015

    FOI Notes: New Group, New Reports, New Mexican Rules, New Suits, New Funding, New News

    Governance Data: A new group called Governance Data Alliance has been announced. (Also see blog post about it by Nathaniel Heller.) There is a 21-age vision statement. The introduction says: The current state of affairs is vastly insufficient when it comes to the production and usage of high-quality governance data. Producers rarely know who uses their […]

  • 27 May 2015

    Several African Nations Criticized at OGP Meeting

    Tanzania and several other African countries were chastised on the subject of access to information at a recent regional meeting of Open Government Partnership held May 20-21 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, however, told the delegates that he plans to sign two controversial bills — on media regulation bill and freedom of information […]

  • 17 December 2014

    South Sudan Approved Right to Information Law in 2013

    South Sudan has a right to information law (text). The little known development occurred a year ago. President Salva Kiir signed the bill on Dec. 9, 2013, and the signing remained unknown for several months, according to African RTI experts, giving rise to speculation that the signature was backdated. The Right of Access to Information […]

  • 11 December 2014

    From Open Data to a Right to Data

    The following article is reprinted from the Worldwide Web Foundation website where it appeared Dec. 9. For more information, contact Savita Bailur, is interested in your reactions to this article. Please send comments to “Data are the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability,” says a new UN report. We couldn’t […]

  • 2 December 2014

    OGP Cautions 12 Countries Tardy on Their Commitments

    The Open Government Partnership has cautioned 12 governments that they are falling behind on their OGP responsibilities (see blog post with links to the letters). For two countries – Turkey and Malta – the letters constitute a second warning, so an OGP subcommittee will decide what disciplinary action to take. Neither country has developed its […]

  • 9 October 2014

    FOI Notes: OGP Research Call, Resource Transparency, Open Data, UK, US, Brazil

    Open Government Partnership: The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is seeking research proposals on: when and how are pro-reform actors able to leverage OGP – its processes, spaces and resources – to pursue improved government responsiveness and accountability? Due date is Oct. 27. Resource Transparency: The Resource Governance Index finds that only 11 of the countries—less than […]

  • 2 October 2014

    Africa’s Progress on RTI Assessed in Two Reports

    Two key groups advocating for right to information laws in Africa have issued detailed reports, both calling for intensified efforts to continue progress and taking a close look at national situations. The Africa Freedom of Information Centre Sept. 29 launched its first State of the Right to Information in Africa Report. The report is on […]