
  • 28 September 2017

    Alphabetical and Chronological lists of countries with FOI regimes

    Alphabetical and Chronological lists of countries with FOI regimes Alphabetical No Chronological Afghanistan 2014 1 Sweden 1766 Albania 1999 2 Finland 1951 Angola 2002 3 United States 1966 Antigua 2004 4 France 1978 Argentina 2004 5 Australia 1982 Armenia 2003 6 New Zealand 1982 Australia 1982 7 Canada 1983 Austria 1987 8 Colombia 1985 Azerbaijan […]

  • 13 April 2017

    FOI Notes: Italy, India, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Philippines, OGP, Nigeria, Pakistan, US

    Italy: The new law on administrative transparency has not generated the expected results, according to report described in R.it (in Italian). Of 800 applications sent by 56 volunteers, seven out of ten received no reply within the 30 days provided for by law, according to study by Diritto di Sapere (Right to Know). See official data on the […]

  • 27 September 2016

    FOI Impact: Success Stories

    Successful requests for government information pack real-world punch. They help fight pollution, improve medical care, and protect human rights. FreedomInfo.org has collected potent examples, all from the past year, of how people around the world use their freedom of information laws (whatever its name). This sampling was culled from hundred of media accounts and from […]

  • 5 April 2016

    115 FOI Regimes; FreedomInfo.org Count Shows

    The number of countries with freedom of information laws or similar administrative regulations stands at 115, according to FreedomInfo.org’s running tally. The most recent additions to the list are Malawi, Vanuatu, Tanzania, Kenya, the Philippines, Sri Lanka,  Togo and Vietnam — all from 2016. The final versions text of the Malawi and Kenyan laws are not yet available. The Malawi and […]

  • 1 July 2015

    IACHR Report Urges Strong RTI Supervisory Bodies

    Edison Lanza, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter?American Commission on Human Rights, has called on governments to build “robust” supervisory bodies with sufficient power and resources to ensure access to information. The recommendations come in a detailed report entitled “The Right to Access to Public Information in the Americas: Specialized Supervisory and […]

  • 21 May 2015

    FI Notes: OGP Grants, India, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Trade, Alaveteli, Australia, Portugal, UK, US, IMF

    Funding: The OGP Access to Information Working Group announced its Access to Information Working Group Microgrant: Demonstrating ATI Linkages to OGP Progress Call for Applications.  Applications are due no later than May 31, 2015.  “The microgrants, in the amount of US$1,500 for research papers and US$3,000 for projects, are aimed at demonstrating the importance of access […]

  • 3 October 2013

    Scottish Commissioner Studies Broader Coverage

    Scotland’s information commissioner, Rosemary Agnew, is exploring whether non-public bodies should be covered by the freedom of information law. She also is making plans to publish detailed information about the performance of government agencies in handling requests for information. Beginning next month, the commissioner will publish a compliance database concerning the number of requests made, […]

  • 11 September 2013

    FOI Notes: RTK Day, OGP Summit Attendees, Open Gov’t Standards, Procurement, Publications

    RTKD 2013:  There is now an online form to let everyone know about your events for Right to Know Day 2013, Sept. 28. As they come in, they will be placed on a map on the website.  Information Commissioners/RTI oversight bodies to be discussed on RTKD2013. Official hashtag #RTKD2013 OGP: A  preliminary list of the […]

  • 9 July 2012

    UK Committee Won’t Propose Higher Fees, Guardian Says

    The United Kingdom parliamentary committee examining the freedom of information is expected to announce its conclusions July 26, and The Guardian is reporting that the outcome won’t be as scary as FOI activists feared. Relying on sources, The Guardian reports, “Pressure from former senior Labour figures, including Tony Blair and Jack Straw, as well as […]

  • 18 July 2011

    Official Cuban Newspaper Complains About Transparency

    The Cuban newspaper Granma July 8 wrote an editorial criticizing the “innumerable and illogical obstacles” used to stop journalists from gaining access to information. The article (in Spanish) cited President Raul Castro’s words at the 6th Party Congress in April, where he said that ‘all information should be put on the table along with the […]

  • 5 October 2010

    Liberian President Sirleaf Signs FOI Law; Regional First

    Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has signed into law the Liberian Freedom of Information Bill. Presidential Press Secretary Cyrus Badio told a news conference Oct. 4 that the president has fowarded the signed FOI law to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia to be printed into a  hand bill.  The signing of the FOI […]

  • 3 September 2010

    Amendments to POI Possible, South African Official Says

    A spokesman for the South African government said Sept. 2 that the controversial Protection of Information bill will be amended. The comment following a Cabinet meeting came as groups launched a campaign against the proposed law. (See related FreedomInfo.org report.) According to a media account, spokesperson Themba Maseko said the government welcomed the representations received […]

  • 13 August 2010

    FOI Notes: New Publications

    Several new publications of possible interest —  on Latin America, transparency and secrecy, Ireland, and whether to be nice or nasty when making FOI requests. FOI in Latin America Greg Michener’s extensive history of the FOI movement in Latin America, his dissertation, is available on his website.  He defended his dissertation at the University of […]

  • 29 July 2010

    China Agrees to Release IMF Article IV Report

    China has permitted disclosure of the so-called Article IV “staff report” prepared by the International Monetary Fund. Last year, China declined to allow release  of the 2009 staff report,  This was a change, because China had permitted release of the 2006 report. Article IV reviews are usually conducted every year and the comprehensive staff reports summarize the economic conditions […]

  • 23 July 2010

    Venezuelan Court Denies Access to Salary Info

    The Venezuelan Supreme Court July 15 said that disclosure of the salaries of public officials would violate their privacy and that requestors must justify their requests. The court denied a request by Asociación Espacio Público for the salaries of officials in the Office of the Comptroller General.  The court said there is not absolute right […]

  • 23 July 2010

    Challenge to Scottish FOI Commissioner Mooted

    A compromise has averted a challenge to the powers of the Scottish Information Commissioner brought by government ministers to prevent his access to certain files, according to Scottish newspaper accounts and  information from the commissioner’s office provided to Freedominfo.org. The ministers “backed down,” reported Tom Gordon in The Herald and Cara Sulieman for Edinburgh’s Deadline […]