India: A report by RaaG and SNS on the adjudicators of the RTI Act in India — the Supreme Court, High Courts and Information Commissions.
Peru: Controversy concerning the creation of the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Public Information.
Pakistan: “The Senate Standing Committee on the Right to Information Act-2016 (RTI-2016) deferred the points pertaining to the access to information with respect to the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan, while suggesting amendments in the Official Secret Act, 1923,” reports The Business Recorder. Also see Dawn article for debate on exemptions.
Ireland: Messages sent through WhatsApp are released upon request, reports FOI Directory. Media group RTÉ News was provided with transcripts of a group conversation on the Facebook-owned app where Brexit was being discussed.
United Kingdom: Tips on using FOI by BBC FOI specialist Martin Rosenbaum.
Bangladesh: An MRDI assessment report, “How the Bangladeshi Media use the RTI Act for Free and Qualitative Reporting.”
EITI: Newly released research described in this blog post suggests that the EITI helps to improve government transparency when two core conditions are in place.
Afghanistan: An article by Storai Karimi describes journalist’s complaints about the government’s double standards on access to information.
Mexico: Debate over a national archives policy, described in El Universal (in Spanish).
United States: The CIA makes nearly a million individual archived documents available to the public online in its Freedom of Information Act reading room.
Indonesia: An update on litigation over access to maps.
Australia: “FOI Easy As ABC” a guide by journalist Eliza Berlage.
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