What’s New

  • 15 June 2016

    US Adopts FOIA Reforms; Outcome Weaker Than Hoped

    By Toby McIntosh Reforms are coming to the US Freedom of Information Act. The House on June 13 approved a Senate bill to amend FOIA and President Obama will sign it, the White House said. The bill writes into law a specific presumption of openness, strengthens the FOIA ombudsman, puts a time limit on the use of the […]

  • 9 June 2016

    US Coalition Seeks Removal of Exemptions From Bill

    Pro-transparency groups in the United States have objected to provisions in a defense bill that would restrict access to information. More than 30 called for the removal of three exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the Senate National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2017 (S. 2943). “The FOIA exemptions would severely undermine […]

  • 9 June 2016

    Namibian NGO Coalition Welcomes Draft ATI Law

    The Access to Information in Namibia (Action) Coalition has praised the government’s draft access to information (ATI) law. The coalition issued a statement after the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology released for consultation and discussion both a draft ATI working document and a draft of the revised National Information Policy, The Namibian report. Read […]

  • 9 June 2016

    FOI Notes: Success Stories, Brazil, Civic Tech, Israel, Mongolia, Liberia, US, Sweden, OGP

    FOI Success: Part Two in a blog post series to highlight interesting and impactful requests that have been made through the 25 websites running with Alaveteli FOI software across the world. You can see Part One here. Four interesting stories, from Hungary’s Alaveteli site KiMitTud and the pan-European site AsktheEU. Brazil: Article 19’s Brazil office has released a new […]

  • 9 June 2016

    The FOIA’s Best of Times, The FOIA’s Worst of Times

    By Lauren Harper The author writes a weekly round-us of US FOIA news. Click here to sign up for the weekly FRINFORMSUM email newsletter. Harper works for the National Security Archive, also the parent of FreedomInfo.org. Tom Blanton, the National Security Archive’s Executive Director, recently told a packed house at Columbia School of Journalism’s FOIA @ 50 conference […]

  • 6 June 2016

    FOI Notes: OGP Contest, Nigeria, India, US, Peru, Pakistan, More

    OGP Contest: “Making Transparency Count” is the focus of a new OGP contest, deadline June 27. Read more here. Nigeria: “The Nigerian government has released statement declaring the total amount of cash recovered from looters of the federal treasury since the inception of President Muhammadu Buhari’s tenure. A statement issued by the Minister of Information, […]

  • 6 June 2016

    The Geospatial Information Bill in India Criticized

    By Debaditvo Sinha The author is Senior Research Fellow with the Public Health and Environmental Justice Initiative at the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy. This article appeared June 3 on Scroll.in and is reprinted with permission. Original headline: “The Geospatial Information Bill will deal a body blow to environmental democracy in India.” The draft Geospatial Information Regulation […]

  • 6 June 2016

    Why Torontoist is Launching an FOI Column

     By Jessica Smith Cross The author is a staff member of the Torontoist. This June 2 article is reprinted with permission from the Torontoist. As Torontonians, we have a right to know how the Scarborough Subway ridership projections were made. We own the statistics on police carding and can demand to see them to learn what they reveal about […]

  • 2 June 2016

    Namibian Government Offers Lengthy Draft RTI Legislation

    The Namibian government has proposed a draft right to information law. The long-awaited 46-page draft contains a detailed collection of reasons not to provide information and some unusual provisions. The draft will be the subject of consultations beginning June 13, according to an article in The Namibian with a few preliminary reactions to the draft. Pro-transparency […]

  • 2 June 2016

    FOI Notes: India, EU, UK, US, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Open Data

    India: A unique monument celebrating the RTI Act has been installed in the Beawar town of Rajasthan, where the RTI movement had started 20 years ago, according to articles in The Hindu (good photo of memorial), The Times of India and The Hindustan Times. Susheela Singh of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sanghatan (MKSS) said at a […]

  • 26 May 2016

    Nigerian FOI Law Not Effectively Implemented

    Below is the concluding chapter from the April 2016 report by the Carter Center on its examination of selected agencies in Uganda using the Center’s Access to Information Legislation Implementation Assessment Tool, which is described in the report. Nigeria adopted a Freedom of Information law on May 28, 2011 when former President Goodluck Jonathan signed […]

  • 26 May 2016

    Parliament in Ghana Delays Consideration of RTI Bill

    The parliament in Ghana has postponed consideration of a Right to Information bill to allow for consultations on its content, but Deputy Attorney General Dominic Ayine said a bill will pass before July, according to Ghana News and CitiNews. Members reportedly disagreed over exemptions for the Office of the President, his Vice President, Cabinet records […]

  • 26 May 2016

    FOI Notes: India, US, Open Meetings of the Future, Malaysia, UK, Canada, More

    India: The Central Information Commission directs the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi and Union home ministry to disclose the report on the basis of which Delhi assembly was dissolved in November 2014, saying the Lieutenant Governor does not enjoy immunity from disclosing such reports, according to the text of the decision and articles such as in […]

  • 23 May 2016

    Progress, Weaknesses Seen in Ugandan FOI Law Implementation

    Below is the concluding chapter from the April 2016 report by the Carter Center on its examination of selected agencies in Uganda using the Center’s Access to Information Legislation Implementation Assessment Tool, which is described in the report. Overall the findings of the Implementation Assessment Tool reveal that as compared to the initial seven ministries […]

  • 19 May 2016

    Argentinian Deputies Approve Access to Information Bill

    Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies has given overwhelming approval to a law on Access to Public Information. The vote on the bill presented by Deputy Karina Banfi was 229-4, with one abstention, after five hours of debate, according to media reports (in Spanish) such as ones in La Neuva, Terra, and another, with more detail, in Parliamentario.com. “We […]

  • 19 May 2016

    Italian Council Ratifies Transparency Decree

    The Italian Council of Ministers has approved a Transparency Decree providing for access to information. “The first Italian FOIA” was welcomed by Foia4Italy, a network of more than 30 civil society organizations that campaigned for the decree and logged 88,000 names on a petition for the decree. Some improvements were made in the final version, […]

  • 19 May 2016

    Parliament Renews Debate on Bill for Ghana

    Ghana’s Parliament has resumed consideration of a Right to Information bill, but disagreements surfaced quickly. “Parliament was divided over the meaning of a clause in the Right to Information (RTI) Bill, which requires a person urgently requesting for information to provide reasons,” according to Ghana Web. The article said some members argued that such a […]

  • 19 May 2016

    Philippines Court Denies Access Sought by Industry

    The constitutional guarantee to information “does not open every door to any and all information but is rather confined to public concern,” according to a 13-page decision by the Supreme Court in the case of Sereno vs Committee on Trade and Related Matters (GR No. 175210). The court denied a petition for certiorari of the […]

  • 19 May 2016

    Nepal Commission Orders Access to Government Offices

    The National Information Commission has ordered the government to provide access to Singha Durbar, the government secretariat complex, for persons seeking to exercise their rights under the Right to Information Act. The commission issued the order in response to an application filed the Chairman of the Freedom Forum Taranath Dahal and several hundred youths associated […]

  • 19 May 2016

    FOI Notes: India, Open Algorithms, US, UK, Malaysia, Canada, Pakistan, More

    India: The Central Information Commission  has ruled that  the Cabinet Secretariat cannot deny access to the items on the agenda placed before the Union Cabinet after a meeting is over. A copy of the CIC’s order along with related documents and a detailed write-up about this case are accessible on the website of the Commonwealth Human […]