FOI Notes: Pakistan, Italy, UNCAC, Germany, Commentary, Transparency Research, Cambodia

27 December 2016

Pakistan: “Another year passes without witnessing the passage of the Right to Information (RTI) legislation. Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) government that promised the world’s best law on transparency has practically backed out of it,” reports Umar Cheema in The News.

Italy: Dec. 23 was the first dat when a equest access to information held by the Italian State has suddenly become easier,” according to Diritto Disapere.

UN Convention against Corruption: The UNCAC review mechanism has not always embraced civil society participation or transparency, write Christine Clough, Global Financial Integrity, and Peter Tausz, UNCAC Coalition.

Transparency Research: “The Development of the Right of Access to Official Information in Latin America According to the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights,” a paper by Ricardo Perlingeiro of the Fluminense Federal University Law School.

Commentary: “Datafication and democracy: Recalibrating digital information systems to address societal interests,” an article by Jonathan Gray, Prize Fellow at the Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath.

Cambodia: The failure to disclose information about large land deals is described by Chris Arsenault in a Thomson Reuters Foundation article.

United States: Shahid Buttar of the Electronic Frontier Foundation writes about the Top 5 threats to transparency.

United States: Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to the Attorney General slowed legislation aimed at strengthening FOIA, writes Kevin Bogardus of E&E news.

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