Pakistani Minister Pledges to Bring ATI Bill to Cabinet

26 September 2016

Pakistan’s Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid has promised yet again that an access to Information bill will be presented to cabinet for approval very soon.

His pledge came to reporters after a ceremony in Islamabad on Sept. 26, as reported by APP. Similar pledges of Cabinet consideration were made in July and August.

He said the law ministry has finalized the draft bill and it will be presented in the next cabinet meeting for approval. Rashid said the bill was delayed to make it comprehensive and responsive to the future needs, according to the APP summary.

Rashid told The News Aug. 22 that the draft bill would be presented in the “next’” cabinet meeting. (See report.) But the Cabinet met Aug. 25 without taking up the bill. The prime minister in July had made the same promise. (See previous article.)

Umar Chemma, writing in The News commented, “When that will be tabled before the cabinet is what he stopped short of promising this time after failing to keep his pledge more than nine occasions in the past.”

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