Karina Banfi Proposes FOI Bill in Argentina’s Legislature

3 March 2016

Argentinian legislator Karina Banfi has introduced a Draft Law on Access to Public Information (File 6593-16).

Noting that the right of access to public information is a human right, Banfi stressed that the law is vital to more democratic forms of communication between civil society and the state, according to an article.

The development of the bill took into account the work of civil society and the  international experience of the Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información, which Banfi, now a national deputy from Buenos Aires, once led.

The following deputies supported the draft law: Mario Negri, Carla Carrizo, Marcelo Monfort, Francisco Torroba, Miguel Nanni, Ricardo Alfonsin, Alejandro Echegaray, Miguel Bazza, Joseph Riccardo, Jorge D’Agostino, Mario Barletta, Martin Hernandez and Luis Borsani.

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