Spanish Government Sues Over Disclosure Rulings

11 February 2016

The Spanish government is appealing five instances in which the Transparency Council ordered the disclosure of information under the one-year-old transparency law.

The lawsuits are described in an article by Elana G. Sevillano in El Pais and a press release by Access Info Europe.

Ironically, the government is seeking to prevent the disclosure of documents relating to the implementation of Spain’s two Open Government Partnership action plans. The Transparency and Good Government Council said that documents were not exempted as being “internal” because they are being used as the basis for taking decisions and hence are central to ensuring accountability, according to Access Info, which requested the documents.

“Lodging an appeal is an option foreseen by the law, but in this case it is particularly surprising,” said Luisa Izuzquiza of Access Info.

The government also is objecting to revealing spending at the state broadcaster RTVE and the National Mint, as well as the hiring policy at state-owned environmental services company Tragsa.

RTVE is objecting to disclosure of cost of the Eurovision Song Contest to the Spanish taxpayer. The National Mint was asked about the “production and distribution costs of the new one-euro coin to be minted with the image of Felipe VI.”

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