Collection of FOI Videos

26 November 2015

This collection of promotional videos about freedom of information is drawn from articles in recent years, plus some additional research and arranged loosely chronologically. This archive includes a variety of promotional videos, some inspirational talks and a few instructional videos. Generally avoided were lectures, nation-specific material and news broadcasts. Suggestions for additions are very welcome. Write


Mexico: A success story in using FOIA requests in a campaign to create a bike path. Training by Fundar helped empower the organization Bcsicletos, as described in this video.

United States: An interview with the National Security Archive Director Tom Blanton to mark the July 4, 1966 signing of the Freedom of Information Act.

UNESCO: A world without information? Right to Information and SDGs, a UNESCO video on the new Sustainable  Development  Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN General Assembly in  2015. “Press freedom and the right to information have a direct relevance to achieving Goal 16, specifically target 10, as it envisages the protection to the right to access information and journalists’ safety.”

India: Former information commissioner Shailesh Gandhi explains how to effectively use the Right to Information Act.

Venezuela: Transparency Venezuela promotes transparency legislation through this short audiovisual message (in Spanish).


Bahamas: A music video from the FOI campaign in the Bahamas.

Africa: “Accessing Information in Africa: It’s your right.” A video documentary produced for the African Platform on Access to Information (APAI) Working Group and funded by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Italy: The coalition of pro-FOI civil society organizations has put out a video (in Italian).

Australia: Cool FOI posters, an infographic and Youtube animation from the Office of the Queensland Information Commissioner. See all here.

Ghana: A video documentary by advocates for the passage of the RTI Bill into law.

Latin America: The Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information presents a video: “Tools for Advocacy.” The video includes testimony by Alianza Regional members about the value of carrying out collective actions and the different strategies for advocacy. Watch the video here.

Latin America: The Access Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean (Iniciativa de Acceso en América Latina y el Caribe) has developed a new series of videos highlighting the work of TAI in Latin America and the importance of access rights. Check out the videos: What purpose do access rights serve?, What is Principle 10 of the Access Declaration? and Towards a regional convention on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration.

Mexico: A discussion on FOI sponsored by Global Voices. Speakers are: Marietta Le, journalist at; Malou Mangahas, Executive Director, Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism; and Juan Tadeo, Independent blogger based in Mexico.

Pakistan: “Right to Information in Pakistan-A Historical Perspective,” a video by the Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives.

Video: My Society issued a collection of four videos that were created after the AlaveteliCon in May. “They give useful insights into what it’s like to run an FOI site in all sorts of circumstances, and might inspire others to start their own!”
United States: It’s a Secret was created by to commemorate its 10th anniversary.

India: A video promoting RTI in Karnataka, a state in southwest India.

Development Transparency: The power of information in development is addressed in this video.

United States: An animated video about the history of the US FOI law, entitled “On How Is That Even Legal?”

Nigeria: A short promotional video describing the FOI law and encouraging its use. Pigin version. Igbo version. Yoruba version

Arabic: An animated FOI video.


India: A movie, Angusam, with an RTI theme by a director using one name, Manukannan. The jobless hero uses RTI to gather information on a corrupt minister.

India: An animated video by award-winning animation film-maker Dhvani Desai, produced by the film division of the central government, is to be was screened on Oct. 12, the eighth anniversary of the RTI Act, before being shown in theatres. Desai says that the idea for the film was born out of problems she went through herself. Every character is a worn-out citizen the system has failed. The film focuses on small issues like getting people their passports and ration cards without paying bribes.

Arabic: A UNESCO promotional video on the principles of access to information (in Arabic).

Nigeria: Explanatory videos on the FOI law by Right to Know Nigeria. Episode One. Episode Two.

United Kingdom: A instructional presentation aimed at education officials by the Office of the Information Commissioner.


India: The movie “The writing on the wall – RTI comes to Malav” is available online. In the Indian state of Gujarat, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) and its partner, Nagrik Adhikar Kendra (Citizens’ Rights Centre) worked with local public authorities to transform a rural town into a model for the proactive disclosure of information. ‘The Writing on the Wall’ is a documentary film which follows their success in bringing RTI to Malav. You can now watch the full film on SARTIAN, South Asia’s leading RTI community and knowledge hub.

Philippines: A video by the University of the Philippines Los Baños Student Council.


Bangladesh: A Bangladeshi song on Right to Information. (Subtitles in English.)

Video Collection: The Right2Info website has a “RTI videos” page that lists 17 FOI videos from 2012 and before.

General: See a TED talk by Associated Press investigative journalist Martha Mendoza on the importance of open government.

General: A two-minute animated video from The Access Initiative of the World Resources Initiative describes the potential value of participation in the decision-making about a new highway. Sunita, a poor woman who faces the loss of her home and livelihood, shows us the value of access to information. By using information, Sunita is able to voice her concerns and participate in decisions which directly affect her environment.

United Kingdom. A TED talk by journalist Heather Brooke on using the FOI law to expose corruption.


India: To create awareness on the Right to Information Act, It’s Time To Make a Difference (ITMD) released a short film Melukolupu. ITMD plans to screen the film in rural areas to create awareness on RTI among the lesser privileged sections.

United Kingdom: BBC FOI expert Martin Rosenbaum in a video providing tips on writing FOI requests, including being specific about dates and knowing which organization holds the information you’re looking for.

Indonesia: Jakarta Ketuk Pintu | Knock Knock Jakarta, a documentary video (with English subtitles) about the FOI Campaign. Director: Ucu Agustin.

Indonesia: Documentary video on right to information in Indonesia, done by the Tifa Foundation (with English subtitles). (Part I) (Part II) (part III) (Part IV)

International: The Freedom of Information Advocates Network released a video, visual materials and a list of appropriate music to commemorate the upcoming Right to Know Day, Sept. 28. The video is available on the FOIAnet website and on

Mexico: A video documentary on FOI in Mexico is entitled ¿Qué Pasó con mi Dinero? / What happened to my Money?

Spanish version:

Version with English subtitles::


Scotland: An animated guide to FOI, from 2010. Longer version. Also see four case studies on how groups relied on FOI in their issue campaigns.


UNESCO Collection: Videos concerning South Arica, Nepal and India.

India: A 2000 video.

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