Mozambique Cabinet Issues Regulation on FOI Law

15 October 2015

The Mozambican Council of Ministers Oct. 13 approved regulations concerning the law on freedom of information, signed into law in December, 2014. (See previous report.)

Government spokesperson Deputy Health Minister Mouzinho Saide said that the law and its regulations apply to all state bodies, to municipalities and to those private bodies which, under law or contract, undertake activities of public interest or benefit from public resources,

“Although the law is a year old, it has been difficult to apply without a set of regulations giving the details of how state bodies must respond to requests for information,” according to an article by the Mozambique News Agency.

Saide said government institutions must have websites where information is made available to the public.

Under the law, requests for information must be provided within 21 days, subject to variety of exemptions.

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