RTI Bill Ready for Review Sri Lankan Official Says

24 September 2015

A draft right to information bill will soon be sent to the Attorney General’s Department, according to an article by Nadira Gunatilleke in The Daily News.

The bill also will go to all Provincial Councils in order to educate them on the proposed bill, according to Media and Parliament Rehabilitation Minister and Co-Cabinet Spokesman Gayantha Karuatilleke, speaking a weekly press briefing.

After the bill is reviewed by the Attorney General’s Department, it will be presented to the Cabinet, he said, probably on Oct. 7, but maybe Oct. 14. Following Cabinet approval, the bill will be gazette and then sent to Parliament within two weeks.

The new government’s promise in January to pass an RTI bill within 100 days was unsuccessful, tangled in a larger stalemate. (See previous FreedomInfo.org report.)

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