Mauritius PM Pledges Preparation of FOI Bill

17 September 2015

The government of Mauritius has announced in a statement that is “committed to bring forward a Freedom of Information Act.”

The promise came from Prime Minister Anerood Jugnauth in reply to a question in the National Assembly.

The statement says such a law will “promote transparency and accountability in public administration and more particularly in contract allocations as clearly stated in the Government Programme 2015-2019.”

Jugnauth “added that although many jurisdictions have adopted a Freedom of Information Act, the nature and scope of such legislation is still evolving that is why there is need to ensure that the Freedom of Information Act adopts innovative processes to improve access to information rather than promoting access in name only,” according to the statement.

The Prime Minister said his office will give drafting instructions to the Attorney-General’s Office to proceed with the preparation of the Bill. All stakeholders will be consulted prior to the introduction of the bill in the National Assembly, he said.

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