Pakistan Breaches Promise to Bring RTI Bill to Cabinet

27 August 2015

Pakistan’s government has not lived up to official promises that a right to information reform bill would be considered at the next Cabinet meeting, reports Umar Cheema in The News.

The Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Pervaiz Rashid told The News Aug. 22 that the draft bill would be presented in the “next’” cabinet meeting, but the Cabinet met Aug. 25 without taking up the bill. The prime minister in July had made the same promise. (See previous article.)

The RTI bill was not tabled though there were 120 other agenda items taken up by the meeting, Cheema reported.

The draft bill, if enacted, would be the world’s best, according to the RTI Rating evaluation by the Canada-based Center for Law and Democracy. (See previous story.)

Cheema also pointed out that the government in the state of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa failed to undo the controversial amendments made in June despite promises to reverse them.

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