Japanese Group Sues for Access to Report on Iraq War

22 July 2015

A Tokyo-based nonprofit organization has sued for access to a report on Japan’s participation in the 2003 Iraq War.

Access-Info Clearinghouse Japan had asked the Foreign Ministry to disclose the full 2012 report, according to an article in Japan Focus. The request was denied in order to protect relationships with other countries and international organizations, according to the group. Suits challenging denials are rare in Japan.

Yukiko Miki, the group’s head, told a press conference, “Information disclosure in diplomacy and security fields has not significantly advanced in Japan, but it should not remain as a ‘sanctuary area’ anymore as Japan’s security policy has come to a turning point.”

The ministry released major points of the report in December 2012 indicating that it did not have information concerning the existence of weapons of mass destruction.

The access request comes as Japan debates legislation that would overturn the nation’s longstanding prohibition of “collective self-defense.” See article in Asia-Pacific Journal by FreedomInfo.org contributor Larry Repeta analyzing the constitutionality of the proposal .

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