E-Mails Subject to Disclosure, Peru Superior Court Rules

1 July 2015

E-mails from public officials using official e-mail accounts and containing public information should be made public according to a June 24 decision by the Superior Court of Lima, Specialized Constitutional Court.

While the ruling is specifically about the emails of former Minister of Energy and Mines Eleodoro Mayorga in the case of the New National Hydrocarbons Regulations, the criterion can be applied to any public institution, according to a news report in La Republica and a commentary by César Aching Guzmánel in Punto de Vista y Propuesta (Point of View and Proposal).

Private information in public e-mail systems, such as with family members, will not be released under the ruling.

The request for the e-mails was made by Marco Gamarra, Liber, a center that promotes access to public information.

Also see report by the ombudsman on the case.

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