Cyprus Developing Bill on Access to Information

15 July 2015

The government is drafting freedom of information legislation, according to Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou.

He said July 12 that access to government information is a “basic human right,” according to a report in The Cyprus Mail.

“The bill still contains provisions relating to the exercise of rights, obligations of authorities and the steps a citizen can take if they believe the right of access is not respected,” he was quoted as saying.

The article continued: “Nicolaou said the bill make substantial changes in both the structure and the responsibilities of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner governing the right of access to information on the one hand and on the other, its responsibilities pursuant to existing legislation which regulates the processing of personal data.”

“This is a very important reform, which guarantees the right of citizens to access documents, whether they relate, for example, to their medical files or judicial affairs,” the minister said.

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