Scotland Proposes to Cover More Entities Under FOIA

17 June 2015

The Scottish Government has begun a consultation on a proposal to extend the Freedom of Information Act to cover contractors operating private prisons, providers of secure accommodation for children, grant-aided schools and independent special schools opened up to more public scrutiny.

Parliamentary business minister Joe Fitzpatrick was quoted as saying: “Scotland already has the most robust freedom of information regime in the UK and it is our aim to ensure that this continues, and that our principles of openness, transparency and accountability set an example for other nations to aspire to.”

The government’s intention not to include housing associations was welcomed by the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations, according to another report.

Scottish information commissioner Rosemary Agnew, however, criticized the government for not including housing associations, according to an article in The National.

Comments are due by Sept. 4, 2015.

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